This is a lengthy one so stick with me...
Web Developer said:
I'm a Java programmer learning C++. What IDE do you recommend for compiling
C++ programs?
Use Dev-C++ which comes with the fabulous MinGW (Minimalist GNU GCC Compiler
for Windows) @
Note: Yes, I want the free ones. Is Microsoft Visual C++ free?
No it isn't. If you do plan on getting it, don't get your hopes up. The IDE
is fine itself, but the compiler sucks (IMHO). Just because it's branded
with M$'s logo doesn't mean something is the best. If you see it, try it,
and want to buy it (ooh a rhyme) - and you have the funds - I would get the
Intel compiler plug-in instead of what comes with it.
Anyway, the above link is an excellent IDDE (Integrated Development _and_
Debugging Environment) with a superior (again, IMHO) compiler than M$'s.
Once you get your feet on the ground and learn to walk, you may find
yourself using compilers that don't really need IDE's (or you just won't use
the ones that come with them). Some top-notch compilers are listed
below(compilers w/o IDE's, or ones that you most likely won't use the IDE
*Digital Mars: (I am an active user of this)
(Click compiler, I used to love this compiler [older days])
*DJGPP: (Haven't tried this in a while, but I
like what I remember about it)
*OpenWatcom: (Haven't even tried this yet. I loved the
original that was retired)
You should download a multitude of compilers and then figure out which ones
work well for you (or that seem second nature after a while) and then stick
to that/those.
There is a separate IDE available for use with Borland's compiler called
You can also download TextPad/notepad like utilities that support colored
syntax highlighting and build functionality (for using with numerous
*ConTEXT: (I used it but found some bugs which
deterred me)
You may also be aware (due to your java programming) of some other IDE's
that may be sufficient for coding.
You may also need a reference for the C++ standard library:
*Dinkumware: (Notice that C99
is just the standard for what is C)
Good luck! Hope to see you coding soon. The first part of it may be tough
but the rewards are good.