IDE for Windows?



Fernando said:
What IDE fro Ruby & ROR would you recommend for windows xp?

Not used RoR, but I can talk a little about Ruby and IDE's

1. Eclipse
There is a Ruby Development Tool plug-in

An article relating to this is on developerworks
From what I can gather the debugger only supports (at the latest) Ruby
182, and I couldn't run from a network using Eclipse 3.1x

2. Arachno Ruby IDE
Liked the look and feel though its support for Ruby 184 is in beta, and
I got a few crashes with that

3. FreeRide (bundled with the Ruby install)
Crashed when using the debugger. Gave up.

5. Scite
Not an IDE, but text editor. Syntax highlighting plus good integration
with the interpreter

Good debugger, and seems comprehensive though can be very slow. I am
leaning towards this at the moment.

I would imagine most Ruby users use emacs and vi, though if you are
from a windows background, you may not want to predominately use
keystrokes. Also a steep learning curve.

In my opinion there is not a satisfactory Ruby IDE (which I think is a
serious drawback), but they would probably say on this list that they
don't need one (i.e. Ruby users are likely to more experienced
developers with non-traditional philosophies)


Huw Collingbourne

What IDE fro Ruby & ROR would you recommend for windows xp?

If you are using Visual Studio, you may care to look at our Ruby In Steel

Currently this has editing features (code color/collapse, commenting etc.)
plus integrated debugging. Our forthcoming release will include Rails
specific features such as Integrated project management in Solution
Explorer, project create wizard, script/generate tools, colour coded rhtml

best wishes
Huw Collingbourne

Steve Conover

Eclipse with RDT is what everyone's using these days, it's a nice try
but in the end I just can't stand Eclipse.

But nirvana is on the way - the folks at Jetbrains are working on a
Ruby plugin for Intellij. I'm a little sketchy on details but I think
a preview will be out sometime in the next month.

So for now I'm coding in Intellij and just binding ruby.exe as an
External Tool, bound to a key. Throw in some syntax hilighting and
it's as good as anything I've used, and I've used ALL the
specially-purposed ruby ide's.



Steve said:
But nirvana is on the way - the folks at Jetbrains are working on a
Ruby plugin for Intellij. I'm a little sketchy on details but I think
a preview will be out sometime in the next month.

Thanks for the info Steve. Will Intellij support Ruby 184x? I ask
because I had problems installing the latest version of Watir with Ruby



Steel looks great! Is there any way this can be made to work on
viosual studio 2005 "express" version??? The free availability of
"express" would alloow quick gropwth of what may be the premier ide for
ruby (IMHO - said without having tried it... :)

Chuck Brotman


Seconded here. I found Komodo to be nice. Eclipse is a little too big
of a resource beast, and other products I have evaluated just missed
the mark in other areas.

Huw Collingbourne

Chuck said:
Steel looks great! Is there any way this can be made to work on
viosual studio 2005 "express" version???

Unfortunately not. I think MS must have realised that if they let people add
extra languages to the Express editions, it would be fairly easy to to add
in the full suite of languages from the professional editions ;-)

For technical reasons, we are therefore only able to integrate into the
commercial editions. Sorry.

best wishes


Fernando said:
What IDE fro Ruby & ROR would you recommend for windows xp?

The Zeus IDE:
Note: Zeus is shareware (45 day trial).

It does Ruby syntax highlighting, code folding, class browsing,
macro scripting, intergrated version control, smart indenting,
project/workspace management etc etc.

You can even write Zeus macros using Ruby ;)

Jussi Jumppanen
Author: Zeus for Windows

Gregor Kopp

Why pay?

You could also use Ride-Me, Rad-Rails, Mondrian, Vim, Emacs, Cream,
Notepad++, RDE and so on.
Rad-Rails btw. is a very good IDE (also for pure ruby programms, not
only rails)

Gregor Kopp

I've forgot Jedit with the Ruby Plugins.

Gregor said:
Why pay?

You could also use Ride-Me, Rad-Rails, Mondrian, Vim, Emacs, Cream,
Notepad++, RDE and so on.
Rad-Rails btw. is a very good IDE (also for pure ruby programms, not
only rails)


For Windows I found fxri interesting. It comes bundled with the Ruby
1.8.4 One-Click Installer. It offers a pane that's a browser of the
standard Ruby class library and looks pretty visually appealing. I
found some bugginess in the fxri GUI would crash at times, but for an
initial project it seems promising.


I have also found context ( with the ruby
highlighter to be a reasonable choice. It's lightweight and does
"enough" code highlighting to be useful. I also use it for Laszlo, XML
and C++ editing.



I find Arachno Ruby IDE, pretty nice...
Install the latest version is 0.6.15 and its really cool for rails

Seth Thomas Rasmussen

+1 for jEdit. I have found it to be an awesome choice on Windows in
that jEdit is fast, and its plugin system allows you to make it just as
beefy as you want. It is a "programmer's text editor" so it has a lot
of nice features that are a part of the core package.

One plugin I highly recommend, in addition to the Ruby ones, is the
SuperAbbrevs plugin. It provides basically the same functionality as
the tab-expanded abbreviations from TextMate on Mac that make everybody
go "oooooooooooooh." I believe the latest stable release of that plugin
still requires something like Ctrl+Enter for expansion, but the next
release should enable the same usage of tab as TextMate.

Gregor Kopp

I've played around a little bit with Ride-Me for now, and i found out
that they HAVE such tab-abbrev's like textmate :D
In the actual RC you need to download a xml file wich wasn't bundled
with the installer, but with that it makes a very fine Rails IDE.
But I'm with you. Better use a real programming editor for all
purposes than a IDE only for one thing on this planet ;)

Ignore my english, I think its terrible...

Bret Pettichord

aidy said:
Thanks for the info Steve. Will Intellij support Ruby 184x? I ask
because I had problems installing the latest version of Watir with Ruby

That's odd. Ruby 1.8.2 is what Watir is developed under. This is the
first i've heard of version incompatibilities.


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