iewebcontrols setup



I am developing an app (VB backend) using the treeview in
iewebcontrols.exe. I have it working fine on my development workstation and
I have a development server that runs it fine. The trick seems to be the
production server. I have run through all the steps in the readme.txt for
the controls and it seems to actually work fine when I am sitting at the
production server and I go to //localhost/project1. But when I go to
another workstation on the network and try to reference it, the control
renders as text only. Why is this happening and how can I get this to work
on the production server?


Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Schoo,

From your description, you've setup the IE Web control on a Dev machine and
a server machine and worked well. But when you want to redistribute them
and use the controls on another workstation, they didn't display well, only
display plain text rather than structured elements, yes?

As far as I know, such display problems are likely caused by the IE Web
controls's clientside resoucres( images, script or htc behavior files) not
correctly installed. When using IE Webcontrols, we need not only referenct
the ie webcontrols's assembly dll , but also install those resources files
in a folder named "webctrl_client" in the website's root folder( " wwwroot"
for example). And the complete folder structure under the site root should
resource files
/other application folders

So please have a check to see whether all the machines that use the IE web
controls has correctly installed this in the website's root. In addition,
here are some former thread discussing the similiar problem, you may also
have a look to see whether they can provide any clues:$DXVVeECHA.176



Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Schoo,

Have you had a chance to check out the suggestions in my last reply or have
you got any further progress on this issue? If there're anything else we
can help, please feel free to post here. Thanks.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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Thank you for the ideas. I checked everything you mentioned and it is all
set up correctly on the server. I was reading through the links you
provided and noticed that there was a mention about making sure you were
linking to the dll inside of the project itself. When I checked the
location of the reference I noticed that it was referencing the
IEWebControls in another project. So, I copied the DLL to the bin of the
project I am working on and linked to that with a reference. I tested the
program on several computers and noticed that on Windows 98 workstations it
will work fine if I use the actual name of the server (http://<server
name>/<virtual directory>), but if I use the IP address instead of the
server name it will only show the menu as text. In addition, my XP
workstation (which I am using for development), will not render the site
properly no matter how I try to access it. There is only one other XP
workstation in the company right now (although we will be converting to XP
by the EOY) and that machine will show the menu correctly if you use the
server name, but not if you use the IP address.

The really interesting thing about all this is that the problems I am
describing above are only happening on the production server... everything
works fine on the development server. Both servers are W2K Servers, so the
obvious suspicion would be that there is something configured wrong on the
production server. What can cause this type of a problem on a server and
how can it be corrected?


Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi Schoo,

Thanks for your followup. As you mentioned that the same Win2k servers have
different hehaviors on this issue, that really sounds a bit strange. Likely
that some configuration are incorrect but I'm not very sure on your
detailed server settings. Have you tried creating a new website on the
server which suffering the problem and install the iewebcontrol in that
site and test again to see whether there are any difference?Thanks.


Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support

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