Valerie Smith
I really need help getting my website onto the internet. I do have a
Host called freehostia.com. I have followed all their instruction on how
to get my web design onto the internet, but I am still having trouble.
Everytime I typed my URL address which is (e-mail address removed) is
says that 505 gateway time-out.
If anyone out there can help, I will be very grateful. My email address
is as follows: (e-mail address removed) (Thanks for your help).
Valerie Smith
I really need help getting my website onto the internet. I do have a
Host called freehostia.com. I have followed all their instruction on how
to get my web design onto the internet, but I am still having trouble.
Everytime I typed my URL address which is (e-mail address removed) is
says that 505 gateway time-out.
If anyone out there can help, I will be very grateful. My email address
is as follows: (e-mail address removed) (Thanks for your help).
Valerie Smith