Hi, I took an interest in genetic algorithm after reading this article:
The code listing is here:
To gain a better understanding, I tried the convert the code to Ruby,
and on the way I should be able to understand how it works.
Unfortunately my lack of knowledge in genetic and Perl means I couldn't
quite get the code working. When it runs, each generation doesn't seem
to improve. It would be great if someone could take a look, compare it
to the original Perl version and see where I've gone wrong, and the fix
require to get it working. The code's attached to this post.
p.s. the link was part one of the series, part two and three are here:
popsize = 256
mut_rate = 0.01
min_fitness = 0.1
generation_count = 100000
generation = 0
pop_ref = []
def init_population(population, pop_size)
(1..pop_size).each do |id|
#insert individual's data to the population array
#the DNA is equal to the individual's number minus 1 (0-255)
population << {'dna' => id - 1, 'survived' => true, 'parent' => 0, 'fitness' => 0}
def evaluate_fitness(population, fitness_function)
population.each do |individual|
#set the fitness to result of the fitness function
m = self.method(fitness_function)
individual['fitness'] = m.call(individual['dna'])
def survive(population, min_fitness)
population.each do |individual|
individual['survived'] = individual['fitness'] >= min_fitness
#set fitness to 0 for unfit individuals (so they won't procreate)
individual['fitness'] = 0 if individual['fitness'] < min_fitness
def select_parents(population)
pop_size = population.length
#create the weights array: select only survivors from the population,
#then use map to have only the fitness come through
weights = population.select { |individual| individual['survived'] }.map { |individual| individual['fitness'] }
raise 'Population size pop_size is too small' if pop_size < 2
#fill pop_size parenting slots, to preserve the population size
(1..pop_size).each do |slot|
index = sample(weights)
population[index]['parent'] += 1
def recombine(population)
pop_size = population.length
parent_population = []
new_population = []
total_parent_slots = 1
while total_parent_slots != 0
#find out how many parent slots are left
total_parent_slots = 0
total_parent_slots = population.inject(0) { |sum, individual| sum + individual['parent'] }
break unless total_parent_slots > 0
#we're sure at least one individual with parent > 0
individual = nil
while individual == nil do
individual = population[rand(pop_size)]
#individual is acceptable only if he can be a parent
individual = nil unless individual['parent'] > 0
#insert individual to parent population
parent_population << individual
individual['parent'] -= 1
parent_population.each do |parent|
#select parent #2
parent2 = parent_population[rand(pop_size)]
child = {'survived' => true, 'parent' => 0, 'fitness' => 0}
#this is breeding!
bitmask = rand(256)
#swap random bits between parents, according to the bitmask
child['dna'] = (parent2['dna'] & bitmask) | (parent['dna'] & ~bitmask)
new_population << child
def mutate(population, mut_rate)
population.each do |individual|
#only mutate if rand() more than mut_rate
next if rand > mut_rate
#mutate DNA by and-ing then or-ing two integers between 0-255
old_dna = individual['dna']
individual['dna'] &= rand(256)
individual['dna'] |= rand(256)
puts "Mutated old_dna to #{individual['dna']}"
def fitness(dna)
dna / 256
#sample an array of weighted elements
def sample(weights)
count = sample = 0
weights.each_index do |i|
count += weights
sample = i if rand(count) != 0
#return an index into the weights array
init_population(pop_ref, popsize)
while (generation += 1) < generation_count do
evaluate_fitness(pop_ref, :fitness)
#print out a summary line
sorted_population = pop_ref.sort_by { |individual| individual['fitness'] }
printf("generation %d: size %d, least fit DNA [%d], most fit DNA [%d]\n",
#select survivors from population
survive(pop_ref, min_fitness)
pop_ref = recombine(pop_ref)
#working on new generation in pop_ref
#apply mutation to individual
mutate(pop_ref, mut_rate)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# GA demonstration with numeric DNA (between 0 and 255)
use strict;
use Data:umper;
# individuals in the population - no sense making more than DNA can provide for
my $popsize = 256;
my $mut_rate = 0.01; # the mutation rate
my $min_fitness = 0.1; # the minimum fitness for survival
my $generation_count = 100000; # run for this many generations
my $generation = 0; # generation counter
my $pop_ref = []; # a reference to a population array
init_population($pop_ref, $popsize);
evaluate_fitness($pop_ref, \&fitness);
# print out a generation summary line
my @sorted_population = sort { $a->{fitness} $b->{fitness} } @$pop_ref;
printf "generation %d: size %d, least fit DNA [%d], most fit DNA [%d]\n",
scalar @sorted_population,
survive($pop_ref, $min_fitness); # select survivors from the population
$pop_ref = recombine($pop_ref); # recombine() returns a whole new population array reference
# from this point on, we are working with a new generation in $pop_ref
mutate($pop_ref, $mut_rate); # apply mutation to the individuals
} while ($generation++ < $generation_count); # run until we are out of generations
sub init_population
my $population = shift @_;
my $pop_size = shift @_;
# for each individual
foreach my $id (1 .. $pop_size)
# insert an anonymous hash reference in the population array with the individual's data
# the DNA is equal to the individual's number minus 1 (0-255)
push @$population, { dna => $id-1, survived => 1, parent => 0, fitness => 0 };
sub evaluate_fitness
my $population = shift @_;
my $fitness_function = shift @_;
foreach my $individual (@$population)
# set the fitness to the result of invoking the fitness function
# on the individual's DNA
$individual->{fitness} = $fitness_function->($individual->{dna});
sub survive
my $population = shift @_;
my $min_fitness = shift @_;
foreach my $individual (@$population)
# set the fitness to the result of invoking the fitness function
# on the individual's DNA
$individual->{survived} = $individual->{fitness} >= $min_fitness;
# set the fitness to 0 for unfit individuals (so they won't procreate)
$individual->{fitness} = 0 if $individual->{fitness} < $min_fitness;
sub select_parents
my $population = shift @_;
my $pop_size = scalar @$population; # population size
# create the weights array: select only survivors from the population,
# then use map to have only the fitness come through
my @weights = map { $_->{fitness} } grep { $_->{survived} } @$population;
# if we have less than 2 survivors, we're in trouble
die "Population size $pop_size is too small" if $pop_size < 2;
# we need to fill $pop_size parenting slots, to preserve the population size
foreach my $slot (1..$pop_size)
my $index = sample(\@weights); # we pass a reference to the weights array here
# do sanity checking on $index
die "Undefined index returned by sample()"
unless defined $index;
die "Invalid index $index returned by sample()"
unless $index >= 0 && $index < $pop_size;
# increase the parenting slots for this population member
sub recombine
my $population = shift @_;
my $pop_size = scalar @$population; # population size
my @parent_population;
my @new_population;
my $total_parent_slots = 1;
while ($total_parent_slots)
# find out how many parent slots are left
$total_parent_slots = 0;
$total_parent_slots += $_->{parent} foreach @$population;
last unless $total_parent_slots;
# if we are here, we're sure we have at least one individual with parent > 0
my $individual = undef; # start with an undefined individual
# select a random individual
$individual = $population->[int(rand($pop_size))];
# individual is acceptable only if he can be a parent
undef($individual) unless $individual->{parent};
} while (not defined $individual);
push @parent_population, $individual; # insert the individual in the parent population
$individual->{parent}--; # decrease the parenting slots of the individual by 1
foreach my $parent (@parent_population)
# select a random individual from the parent population (parent #2)
my $parent2 = @parent_population[int(rand($pop_size))];
my $child = { survived => 1, parent => 0, fitness => 0 };
# this is breeding!
my $bitmask = int(rand(256)); # a random byte between 0 and 255
# swap random bits between parents, according to the bitmask
$child->{dna} = ($parent2->{dna} & $bitmask) | ($parent->{dna} & ~$bitmask);
push @new_population, $child; # the child is now a part of the new generation
return \@new_population;
sub mutate
my $population = shift @_;
my $mut_rate = shift @_;
foreach my $individual (@$population)
# only mutate individuals if rand() returns more than mut_rate
next if rand > $mut_rate;
# mutate the DNA by and-ing and then or-ing it with two random
# integers between 0 and 255
my $old_dna = $individual->{dna};
$individual->{dna} &= int(rand(256));
$individual->{dna} |= int(rand(256));
# print "Mutated $old_dna to ", $individual->{dna}, "\n";
sub fitness
my $dna = shift @_;
return $dna/256;
# Function to sample from an array of weighted elements
# originally written by Abigail <[email protected]>
sub sample
# get the reference to the weights array
my $weights = shift @_ or return undef;
# internal counting variables
my ($count, $sample);
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$weights; $i ++)
$count += $weights->[$i];
$sample = $i if rand $count [$i];
# return an index into the weights array
return $sample;
The code listing is here:
To gain a better understanding, I tried the convert the code to Ruby,
and on the way I should be able to understand how it works.
Unfortunately my lack of knowledge in genetic and Perl means I couldn't
quite get the code working. When it runs, each generation doesn't seem
to improve. It would be great if someone could take a look, compare it
to the original Perl version and see where I've gone wrong, and the fix
require to get it working. The code's attached to this post.
p.s. the link was part one of the series, part two and three are here:
popsize = 256
mut_rate = 0.01
min_fitness = 0.1
generation_count = 100000
generation = 0
pop_ref = []
def init_population(population, pop_size)
(1..pop_size).each do |id|
#insert individual's data to the population array
#the DNA is equal to the individual's number minus 1 (0-255)
population << {'dna' => id - 1, 'survived' => true, 'parent' => 0, 'fitness' => 0}
def evaluate_fitness(population, fitness_function)
population.each do |individual|
#set the fitness to result of the fitness function
m = self.method(fitness_function)
individual['fitness'] = m.call(individual['dna'])
def survive(population, min_fitness)
population.each do |individual|
individual['survived'] = individual['fitness'] >= min_fitness
#set fitness to 0 for unfit individuals (so they won't procreate)
individual['fitness'] = 0 if individual['fitness'] < min_fitness
def select_parents(population)
pop_size = population.length
#create the weights array: select only survivors from the population,
#then use map to have only the fitness come through
weights = population.select { |individual| individual['survived'] }.map { |individual| individual['fitness'] }
raise 'Population size pop_size is too small' if pop_size < 2
#fill pop_size parenting slots, to preserve the population size
(1..pop_size).each do |slot|
index = sample(weights)
population[index]['parent'] += 1
def recombine(population)
pop_size = population.length
parent_population = []
new_population = []
total_parent_slots = 1
while total_parent_slots != 0
#find out how many parent slots are left
total_parent_slots = 0
total_parent_slots = population.inject(0) { |sum, individual| sum + individual['parent'] }
break unless total_parent_slots > 0
#we're sure at least one individual with parent > 0
individual = nil
while individual == nil do
individual = population[rand(pop_size)]
#individual is acceptable only if he can be a parent
individual = nil unless individual['parent'] > 0
#insert individual to parent population
parent_population << individual
individual['parent'] -= 1
parent_population.each do |parent|
#select parent #2
parent2 = parent_population[rand(pop_size)]
child = {'survived' => true, 'parent' => 0, 'fitness' => 0}
#this is breeding!
bitmask = rand(256)
#swap random bits between parents, according to the bitmask
child['dna'] = (parent2['dna'] & bitmask) | (parent['dna'] & ~bitmask)
new_population << child
def mutate(population, mut_rate)
population.each do |individual|
#only mutate if rand() more than mut_rate
next if rand > mut_rate
#mutate DNA by and-ing then or-ing two integers between 0-255
old_dna = individual['dna']
individual['dna'] &= rand(256)
individual['dna'] |= rand(256)
puts "Mutated old_dna to #{individual['dna']}"
def fitness(dna)
dna / 256
#sample an array of weighted elements
def sample(weights)
count = sample = 0
weights.each_index do |i|
count += weights
sample = i if rand(count) != 0
#return an index into the weights array
init_population(pop_ref, popsize)
while (generation += 1) < generation_count do
evaluate_fitness(pop_ref, :fitness)
#print out a summary line
sorted_population = pop_ref.sort_by { |individual| individual['fitness'] }
printf("generation %d: size %d, least fit DNA [%d], most fit DNA [%d]\n",
#select survivors from population
survive(pop_ref, min_fitness)
pop_ref = recombine(pop_ref)
#working on new generation in pop_ref
#apply mutation to individual
mutate(pop_ref, mut_rate)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# GA demonstration with numeric DNA (between 0 and 255)
use strict;
use Data:umper;
# individuals in the population - no sense making more than DNA can provide for
my $popsize = 256;
my $mut_rate = 0.01; # the mutation rate
my $min_fitness = 0.1; # the minimum fitness for survival
my $generation_count = 100000; # run for this many generations
my $generation = 0; # generation counter
my $pop_ref = []; # a reference to a population array
init_population($pop_ref, $popsize);
evaluate_fitness($pop_ref, \&fitness);
# print out a generation summary line
my @sorted_population = sort { $a->{fitness} $b->{fitness} } @$pop_ref;
printf "generation %d: size %d, least fit DNA [%d], most fit DNA [%d]\n",
scalar @sorted_population,
survive($pop_ref, $min_fitness); # select survivors from the population
$pop_ref = recombine($pop_ref); # recombine() returns a whole new population array reference
# from this point on, we are working with a new generation in $pop_ref
mutate($pop_ref, $mut_rate); # apply mutation to the individuals
} while ($generation++ < $generation_count); # run until we are out of generations
sub init_population
my $population = shift @_;
my $pop_size = shift @_;
# for each individual
foreach my $id (1 .. $pop_size)
# insert an anonymous hash reference in the population array with the individual's data
# the DNA is equal to the individual's number minus 1 (0-255)
push @$population, { dna => $id-1, survived => 1, parent => 0, fitness => 0 };
sub evaluate_fitness
my $population = shift @_;
my $fitness_function = shift @_;
foreach my $individual (@$population)
# set the fitness to the result of invoking the fitness function
# on the individual's DNA
$individual->{fitness} = $fitness_function->($individual->{dna});
sub survive
my $population = shift @_;
my $min_fitness = shift @_;
foreach my $individual (@$population)
# set the fitness to the result of invoking the fitness function
# on the individual's DNA
$individual->{survived} = $individual->{fitness} >= $min_fitness;
# set the fitness to 0 for unfit individuals (so they won't procreate)
$individual->{fitness} = 0 if $individual->{fitness} < $min_fitness;
sub select_parents
my $population = shift @_;
my $pop_size = scalar @$population; # population size
# create the weights array: select only survivors from the population,
# then use map to have only the fitness come through
my @weights = map { $_->{fitness} } grep { $_->{survived} } @$population;
# if we have less than 2 survivors, we're in trouble
die "Population size $pop_size is too small" if $pop_size < 2;
# we need to fill $pop_size parenting slots, to preserve the population size
foreach my $slot (1..$pop_size)
my $index = sample(\@weights); # we pass a reference to the weights array here
# do sanity checking on $index
die "Undefined index returned by sample()"
unless defined $index;
die "Invalid index $index returned by sample()"
unless $index >= 0 && $index < $pop_size;
# increase the parenting slots for this population member
sub recombine
my $population = shift @_;
my $pop_size = scalar @$population; # population size
my @parent_population;
my @new_population;
my $total_parent_slots = 1;
while ($total_parent_slots)
# find out how many parent slots are left
$total_parent_slots = 0;
$total_parent_slots += $_->{parent} foreach @$population;
last unless $total_parent_slots;
# if we are here, we're sure we have at least one individual with parent > 0
my $individual = undef; # start with an undefined individual
# select a random individual
$individual = $population->[int(rand($pop_size))];
# individual is acceptable only if he can be a parent
undef($individual) unless $individual->{parent};
} while (not defined $individual);
push @parent_population, $individual; # insert the individual in the parent population
$individual->{parent}--; # decrease the parenting slots of the individual by 1
foreach my $parent (@parent_population)
# select a random individual from the parent population (parent #2)
my $parent2 = @parent_population[int(rand($pop_size))];
my $child = { survived => 1, parent => 0, fitness => 0 };
# this is breeding!
my $bitmask = int(rand(256)); # a random byte between 0 and 255
# swap random bits between parents, according to the bitmask
$child->{dna} = ($parent2->{dna} & $bitmask) | ($parent->{dna} & ~$bitmask);
push @new_population, $child; # the child is now a part of the new generation
return \@new_population;
sub mutate
my $population = shift @_;
my $mut_rate = shift @_;
foreach my $individual (@$population)
# only mutate individuals if rand() returns more than mut_rate
next if rand > $mut_rate;
# mutate the DNA by and-ing and then or-ing it with two random
# integers between 0 and 255
my $old_dna = $individual->{dna};
$individual->{dna} &= int(rand(256));
$individual->{dna} |= int(rand(256));
# print "Mutated $old_dna to ", $individual->{dna}, "\n";
sub fitness
my $dna = shift @_;
return $dna/256;
# Function to sample from an array of weighted elements
# originally written by Abigail <[email protected]>
sub sample
# get the reference to the weights array
my $weights = shift @_ or return undef;
# internal counting variables
my ($count, $sample);
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar @$weights; $i ++)
$count += $weights->[$i];
$sample = $i if rand $count [$i];
# return an index into the weights array
return $sample;