mmm... the only Oracle onnection on my box is for the 9i database.
So, just to clarify, on your Windows box you now have *only* Python 2.2
and the Oracle 9i client? I'm presuming also that your database is on
another machine. And you've installed the appropriate cx_Oracle binary?
Works for me;
Your assumptions are correct. But, it doesn't work for me.
PythonWin 2.2.1 (#34, Apr 9 2002, 19:34:33) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)] on
win32. Portions Copyright 1994-2001 Mark Hammond
[email protected]) - see 'Help/About PythonWin' for further
copyright information.
import cx_Oracle
cursor.execute("SELECT user FROM dual")
[<StringVar object at 0x012AAF08>]
print cursor.fetchall()
I also tried it with cx_Oracle version 2.5a, and then on my other
machine with Python 2.3, the 9i client and version 3.0a of cx_Oracle.
So, my guess is that you are still suffering from a DLL confusion
Probably true, but JDev9 and PSQLDeveloper doesn't have any connection
Well, you've got me beaten. I tried to break my system by downloading
the Windows binary for Python 2.2 and Oracle8i, even though I have the
9i client - and it still worked.
The only combination I haven't tried, and I'm not going to, is the
cx_Oracle binary built against the Oracle9i client with the Oracle8i
client software which I suspect would break in the manner you describe.
As many people are successfully using cx_Oracle and you are the only one
seeing this problem I still suspect the solution to your problem is in
the combination of software you have running on your machine rather than
a bug in cx_Oracle, Python or Oracle.
Officially-throwing-in-the-towel-ly y'rs,