I have this ASP application that delivers binary files (by calling C++ COM
object) to a C++ client application. On the server side I read from a file
and write it using Response.BinaryWrite function. On the client side I read
using the MFC CHttpFile::Read() function.
This code has been working for 5 years on Win2000/IIS5. Recently we moved
the ASP application as is into Windows 2003/IIS6. Since then we are seeing
that some large size files are delivered incomplete. There is no error on
both side. I have run the server side C++ COM object via debugger and found
no error, it writes the entire 5MB file without error. I have also run the
client side C++ application via debugger, and it receives 1.6MB and then
terminates without any error.
Whatever happened to rest of the file? I can reproduce this error everytime
for a given file. However, this doesn't happen for most of the files.
Please shed some light here...
object) to a C++ client application. On the server side I read from a file
and write it using Response.BinaryWrite function. On the client side I read
using the MFC CHttpFile::Read() function.
This code has been working for 5 years on Win2000/IIS5. Recently we moved
the ASP application as is into Windows 2003/IIS6. Since then we are seeing
that some large size files are delivered incomplete. There is no error on
both side. I have run the server side C++ COM object via debugger and found
no error, it writes the entire 5MB file without error. I have also run the
client side C++ application via debugger, and it receives 1.6MB and then
terminates without any error.
Whatever happened to rest of the file? I can reproduce this error everytime
for a given file. However, this doesn't happen for most of the files.
Please shed some light here...