I have been asked to add postal rates to a web page shopping cart checkout
procedure. After contacting the post office I discovered that they used XML
to receive postal rate requests and send back the rate for a certain size,
"from:" address, "To:" address and delivery service speed. The examples
they showed used a HTML "Text Area" and a HTTP post statement to send the
request however I need to use input from an input box and then insert this
information into the HTTP post. I have tried using variables but they are
sent literally rather than being substituted with the information from the
input statements. Is there a way to include the variable information as
part of the post? I am new to XML and would have thought that variable
substitution should be easy however I had no luck. I have included a
stripped version of the sample code below:
function go()
document.MyForm.action =
<CENTER><H3>Sample HTTP Request to eParcel</H3></CENTER>
<FORM name=Config>
Server IP Address <INPUT size = 15 name=IP value="">
and port (TCP) <INPUT size=5 name=PORT value="30000">
Postal Code: <INPUT size = 6 name=fpc value=""> <!--
Variable assigned value here -->
<FORM METHOD=POST name="MyForm">
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- Merchant Identification assigned -->
<!-- by Canada Post -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: Use 'CPC_DEMO_HTML' or ask -->
<!-- our Help Desk to change your -->
<!-- profile if you want HTML to be -->
<!-- returned to you -->
<merchantCPCID> 1234 </merchantCPCID>
<!--Origin Postal Code -->
<!--This parameter is optional -->
<fromPostalCode> t6a0h9 </fromPostalCode>
<postalCode> VARIABLE NEEDS TO GO HERE(fpc) </postalCode>
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Submit XML request to eParcel via HTTP/POST"
procedure. After contacting the post office I discovered that they used XML
to receive postal rate requests and send back the rate for a certain size,
"from:" address, "To:" address and delivery service speed. The examples
they showed used a HTML "Text Area" and a HTTP post statement to send the
request however I need to use input from an input box and then insert this
information into the HTTP post. I have tried using variables but they are
sent literally rather than being substituted with the information from the
input statements. Is there a way to include the variable information as
part of the post? I am new to XML and would have thought that variable
substitution should be easy however I had no luck. I have included a
stripped version of the sample code below:
function go()
document.MyForm.action =
<CENTER><H3>Sample HTTP Request to eParcel</H3></CENTER>
<FORM name=Config>
Server IP Address <INPUT size = 15 name=IP value="">
and port (TCP) <INPUT size=5 name=PORT value="30000">
Postal Code: <INPUT size = 6 name=fpc value=""> <!--
Variable assigned value here -->
<FORM METHOD=POST name="MyForm">
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- Merchant Identification assigned -->
<!-- by Canada Post -->
<!-- -->
<!-- Note: Use 'CPC_DEMO_HTML' or ask -->
<!-- our Help Desk to change your -->
<!-- profile if you want HTML to be -->
<!-- returned to you -->
<merchantCPCID> 1234 </merchantCPCID>
<!--Origin Postal Code -->
<!--This parameter is optional -->
<fromPostalCode> t6a0h9 </fromPostalCode>
<postalCode> VARIABLE NEEDS TO GO HERE(fpc) </postalCode>
<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE="Submit XML request to eParcel via HTTP/POST"