Install libraries only without the program itself


Gregor Horvath


My application is a client/server in a LAN. I want to keep my programs files on a central File Server serving all clients. The clients
should load those over the LAN every time they start the program since I
expect that they are rapidly changing and I dont want to update each
client seperatly.

On the clients there should only be python and the necessary libraries
and third party modules (sqlobject etc.) installed.

How do I make a setup script that only installs the necessary things,
without the program itself. Is there a tool for that?

Serge Orlov

Gregor said:

My application is a client/server in a LAN. I want to keep my programs
.py files on a central File Server serving all clients. The clients
should load those over the LAN every time they start the program since I
expect that they are rapidly changing and I dont want to update each
client seperatly.

Don't forget you can screw up running clients if you override old
version with a new one.
On the clients there should only be python and the necessary libraries
and third party modules (sqlobject etc.) installed.

I believe it's better to keep *everything* on the file server. Suppose
your OS is windows and suppose you want to keep everything in s:/tools.
The actions are:
1. Copy python with all 3rd party modules from c:/python24 to
2. Grab exemaker from, copy
exemaker.exe to s:/tools/win32/client.exe
3. Create little dispatcher s:/tools/win32/
import sys
sys.path[0] = "s:/tools/client-1.0.0"
import client
4. Create your first version of s:/tools/client-1.0.0/
print "I'm a client version 1.0.0"

Gregor Horvath

Serge said:
I believe it's better to keep *everything* on the file server. Suppose

your OS is windows and suppose you want to keep everything in s:/tools.
The actions are:
3. Create little dispatcher s:/tools/win32/
import sys
sys.path[0] = "s:/tools/client-1.0.0"
import client

I also had to set the paths for the imports and current directory
manually (why?). This worked for me:

import sys
import os
sys.path =

import hobel300

5. I also had to copy all required dlls from the c:\winnt directory (for
example pywintypes24.dll) into the current directory.

Thanks for this solution, works great, did not know that you can run
python programs even without a python installation on the local machine!

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