Eko said:
I have fpt,ssh and of coruse http access. Do you mind share your way to us.
If you have ssh, you're in like Flynn.
The only trick is that you have to tell ./configure to install the
binaries into your home dir (--prefix=$HOME/ruby or something like that).
For those with only ftp/http (as I've been asked this before)
FTP up the ruby tarball and some perl/php scripts.
The perl/php needs to call system() or exec() or whatever it is called
to shell out and:
Extract the tarball to a nice home
run ./configure in the ruby source dir
run make
run make test
run make install
Very important: the call to 'configure' *must* pass the config options
to put the binaries under $HOME/ruby or something similar. Otherwise
it tries to go to /usr/local/ and that will fail. (I don't have a 'nix
system handy to tell you exactly what these are. I think its
--prefix=$HOME/ruby or some such thing. Run ./configure --help to be
sure. Or Google for it.)
Tip for the Perl code: use carp, which is a lib for getting nice CGI
errors logged for you. It can be tricky to get each step right, and
tracking down goofy CGI and syntax errors can get annoying.
Code will probably need to either cd to the installation dir before
running specific commands, or make all system calls using full paths.
You also have to check what permissions are set on files. You may end
up with files owned by www or apache or something, so have the perl/php
code call chmod and chown along the way.
Sorry the details are so vague; I did this about 4 years ago and never
really kept track of the scripts I wrote to do this. But either perl
or PHP will do, as they both allow shell calls and writing messages back
to the browser. They're pretty useful for stuff like that.
If you want to be clever you could probably just write a form that takes
a string and executes it via a system() call. Then just pass in each
command you need.
Just don't name it index.php.
And your Ruby code will need to use the correct path (i.e. not
/usr/local/bin/ruby) to your ruby binaries once you are up and running.