I can't find it now (in under a minute), but somebody posted an
equivalent to the standard install.rb (install-doc.rb?) that would run
rdoc on the .rb files, and install the docs in a "standard" location.
If you search the RAA or ruby-talk archives, hopefully you can find it.
I thought i bookmarked it, but its lost at the moment.
Here is my one, reproduced in full. It's written for a specific
project (extensions.rubyforge.org), but could perhaps be generalised.
It actually uses a shell script to run RDoc, but that could be
implemented here instead.
The target directory for documentation in the code below is
/usr/doc/ruby, or /usr/local/doc/ruby, or C:/Ruby/doc/ruby, etc; it's
derived from "prefix".
# install-doc.rb
# Quick 'n' dirty script to generate and install the documentation. It uses
# (prefix), which would be /usr or /usr/local on a Unix system, and something
# like C:/ruby on a Windows system, and adds "doc/ruby" to make a guess at a
# documentation directory.
# It then creates or reuses the directory "extensions-m.n", where m.n is the
# version number as contained in VERSION.
# In order to generate the documentation in the first place, it runs
# "sh etc/gen-rdoc.sh". This is Unix-specific; suggestions to overcome
# this are welcome. Personally, I use Cygwin on Windows. This command
# generates documentation in the "doc" directory, from where it is copied.
# The above assumptions mean that this program must be run from the root
# directory of the "exstensions" project.
require "fileutils"
require "rbconfig"
$LOGGING = true
module Kernel
def log(msg = "")
puts "LOG: #{msg}" if $LOGGING
# 1. Determine the target directory.
include Config
prefix = CONFIG['prefix']
rubydocdir = File.join(prefix, "doc", "ruby")
log "Default ruby doc dir is #{rubydocdir}"
target_base = ARGV.shift
if target_base.nil?
log "No target directory given; using default"
target_base = rubydocdir
log "Using target directory given on command line: #{target_base}"
unless File.directory?(target_base)
log "#{target_base} does not exist. Can't continue."
version = File.read("VERSION").strip
log "Version: #{version}"
target_dir = File.join(target_base, "extensions-#{version}")
log "Target directory: #{target_dir}"
unless File.directory?(target_dir)
log "Created target directory: #{target_dir}"
target_rdoc_dir = File.join(target_dir, "rdoc")
unless File.directory?(target_rdoc_dir)
log "Created target rdoc directory: #{target_rdoc_dir}"
# 2. Generate the documentation.
command = %w{sh -c etc/gen-rdoc.sh}
log "Command: #{command.join(' ')}"
unless system(*command)
log "Command failed; exiting."
# 3. Clean out the target directory.
### Not really needed?
### Dir.chdir(target_rdoc_dir) do
### FileUtils.rm_rf(".")
### end
# 4. Copy the documentation to the target directory.
FileUtils.cp_r("rdoc", target_rdoc_dir, :verbose => true)
FileUtils.cp("README.1st", target_dir, :verbose => true)
FileUtils.cp("HISTORY", target_dir, :verbose => true)
FileUtils.cp("ChangeLog", target_dir, :verbose => true)
# 5. Finished.
log "Done."