I'm on WinXP, Ruby 1.8.5, Gems 0.9.
I'm trying to install a gem that depends on other gems, all doing this
locally without an internet connection. The Rails gem is a good
example and the one that I'm experimenting with.
First I downloaded the Rails-related gems:
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 14E7-0D73
Directory of C:\dev\gems
01/10/2007 02:19 PM <DIR> .
01/10/2007 02:19 PM <DIR> ..
11/28/2006 03:50 PM 81,920 actionmailer-1.2.5.gem
11/28/2006 03:50 PM 530,432 actionpack-1.12.5.gem
11/28/2006 03:51 PM 67,072 actionwebservice-1.1.6.gem
11/28/2006 03:50 PM 349,696 activerecord-1.14.4.gem
11/28/2006 03:50 PM 49,152 activesupport-1.3.1.gem
11/28/2006 03:51 PM 144,896 rails-1.1.6.gem
6 File(s) 1,223,168 bytes
And then I tried to install the rails gem, telling it to install all
the other gems too, and only use the local machine from which to find
the dependencies:
C:\dev\gems>gem install rails-1.1.6.gem --include-dependencies --local
ERROR: Error installing gem rails-1.1.6.gem[.gem]: rails requires
activesupport = 1.3.1
I don't know why I'm getting this error.
I'm assuming that --local means it should just look on the local
machine, or is that wrong?
Or is there a more obvious/easier way to do this? I'm tired of
installing each gem one at a time But more importantly I'm just
trying to learn the rules about how the Gems installer works.
Any ideas? Thanks!
I'm trying to install a gem that depends on other gems, all doing this
locally without an internet connection. The Rails gem is a good
example and the one that I'm experimenting with.
First I downloaded the Rails-related gems:
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 14E7-0D73
Directory of C:\dev\gems
01/10/2007 02:19 PM <DIR> .
01/10/2007 02:19 PM <DIR> ..
11/28/2006 03:50 PM 81,920 actionmailer-1.2.5.gem
11/28/2006 03:50 PM 530,432 actionpack-1.12.5.gem
11/28/2006 03:51 PM 67,072 actionwebservice-1.1.6.gem
11/28/2006 03:50 PM 349,696 activerecord-1.14.4.gem
11/28/2006 03:50 PM 49,152 activesupport-1.3.1.gem
11/28/2006 03:51 PM 144,896 rails-1.1.6.gem
6 File(s) 1,223,168 bytes
And then I tried to install the rails gem, telling it to install all
the other gems too, and only use the local machine from which to find
the dependencies:
C:\dev\gems>gem install rails-1.1.6.gem --include-dependencies --local
ERROR: Error installing gem rails-1.1.6.gem[.gem]: rails requires
activesupport = 1.3.1
I don't know why I'm getting this error.
I'm assuming that --local means it should just look on the local
machine, or is that wrong?
Or is there a more obvious/easier way to do this? I'm tired of
installing each gem one at a time But more importantly I'm just
trying to learn the rules about how the Gems installer works.
Any ideas? Thanks!