Some well-formedness rules may have to be more carefully checked in
translations. But other than this it should work pretty well.
I fail to see the general usefulness of conversion between formats if
only a subset of the capabilities can be converted. If my document
written in Textile relies on footnotes then a lossy conversion to RDoc
without the footnotes would make little sense. The lossy conversion
leads to a corrupt product.
That is unless someone would go about bringing all the markup languages
up to the _highest_ common denominator (HCD) -- either by direct
alteration of the language or by work-arounds (representing footnotes
in RDoc in parenteses behind the referenced word or sentence).
But all this is missing the point. The reason different markup
languages exist is to cater for different applications. Textile is good
for integrating with HTML (thanks to CSS hooks among other things),
RDoc is already the language for documenting Ruby code.
If conversions are to work to the HCD, then the differences between the
languages are reduced to somewhat meaningless syntaxes.
Anyway, this seems to be a much more philosophical than pragmatic
discussion. The usage benefit of switching between markup languages on
the fly seems incredibly small compared to the amount of work required
to convert at the HCD.
But I am in no way going to argue or refuse a patch from someone
committed to keep all supported markup languages supported by a HCD
approach. Bring it on!
David Heinemeier Hansson, -- A No-Step-Three Wiki in Ruby -- Web-based Project Management -- Broadcasting Brain -- Development & Consulting Services