It is so funny that the official GUI lib for python is Tkinter, but I
cannot find an articles which explains indetail how can we use
thounsands of Tcl/Tk widget in Tkinter.
For example, I have download the dll at
http://www.hwaci.com/sw/tkhtml/index.html, renamed it to tkhtml12.dll
and put it in
then I edited a h:\python25\bin\tcl\Tkhtml1.2\pkgIndex.tcl file:
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8]} {return}
if {[string compare $::tcl_platform(platform) windows]} {return}
if {[info exists ::tcl_platform(debug)]} {
package ifneeded Tkhtml 1.2.3 [list load [file join $dir
Tkhtml12g.dll] Tkhtml]
} else {
package ifneeded Tkhtml 1.2.3 [list load [file join $dir
Tkhtml12.dll] Tkhtml]
but http://tix.sourceforge.net/Tixapps/src/Python/TkHtml.py says
attempt to provide package Tkhtml 1.2.3 failed: package Tkhtml 0.0
provided instead
cannot find an articles which explains indetail how can we use
thounsands of Tcl/Tk widget in Tkinter.
For example, I have download the dll at
http://www.hwaci.com/sw/tkhtml/index.html, renamed it to tkhtml12.dll
and put it in
then I edited a h:\python25\bin\tcl\Tkhtml1.2\pkgIndex.tcl file:
if {![package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8]} {return}
if {[string compare $::tcl_platform(platform) windows]} {return}
if {[info exists ::tcl_platform(debug)]} {
package ifneeded Tkhtml 1.2.3 [list load [file join $dir
Tkhtml12g.dll] Tkhtml]
} else {
package ifneeded Tkhtml 1.2.3 [list load [file join $dir
Tkhtml12.dll] Tkhtml]
but http://tix.sourceforge.net/Tixapps/src/Python/TkHtml.py says
attempt to provide package Tkhtml 1.2.3 failed: package Tkhtml 0.0
provided instead