Michel Bergijk
Hello all,
After a few years of not working with Java, but keeping track with
developments, I want to start brushing up my programming skills. I was
thinking about a project where a webserver application needs to be
Are there any takers?
Should I invest my time in an Apache or Sourceforge project? Which one?
== General plan ==
Webserver application
Target platform: Apache/Jacarta/Tomcat
== Description ==
A webserver application where other modules can be plugged into. These
modules need to be developed so the webserver application can be used
for specific situations. IMO this means that the interfaces to the outer
world need to be standardised.
== Possible modules ==
To a RDBMS (backend system)
To a Bluetooth/Midlet application (frontend system)
== General goal ==
Learning to work with the Java programming language
Offering an project environment where you can learn about:
- coding in Java
- working within an project
- experiencing all facets of a development project (requirements
engineering, designing, coding, versioning, testing, etc)
== Target audience ==
- Project leaders
- Sofware engineers
- Testers
- Webdesigners
- Webmasters
- ...
Initially we could use my webpage as development focus. With enough
interest I will add a forum.
Let me hear what you think about this idea. I am open for any comment.
With regards,
Michel Bergijk
Web: http://www.hermod.nl
After a few years of not working with Java, but keeping track with
developments, I want to start brushing up my programming skills. I was
thinking about a project where a webserver application needs to be
Are there any takers?
Should I invest my time in an Apache or Sourceforge project? Which one?
== General plan ==
Webserver application
Target platform: Apache/Jacarta/Tomcat
== Description ==
A webserver application where other modules can be plugged into. These
modules need to be developed so the webserver application can be used
for specific situations. IMO this means that the interfaces to the outer
world need to be standardised.
== Possible modules ==
To a RDBMS (backend system)
To a Bluetooth/Midlet application (frontend system)
== General goal ==
Learning to work with the Java programming language
Offering an project environment where you can learn about:
- coding in Java
- working within an project
- experiencing all facets of a development project (requirements
engineering, designing, coding, versioning, testing, etc)
== Target audience ==
- Project leaders
- Sofware engineers
- Testers
- Webdesigners
- Webmasters
- ...
Initially we could use my webpage as development focus. With enough
interest I will add a forum.
Let me hear what you think about this idea. I am open for any comment.
With regards,
Michel Bergijk
Web: http://www.hermod.nl