Pablo Jose Almeida da Guia
...I am using some resource files to make the internationalization of a
ASP.NET application.
I created a project and three resource files.
------- resource files -------
------- resource files -------
When I compile, is generated:
------- compiled -------
------- compiled -------
The source to use these resources is:
------------------- source -------------------
= CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
= Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("strings",
------------------- source -------------------
But when I run the application:
------------------- error message -------------------
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture (or the
neutral culture) in the given assembly. Make sure "strings.resources" was
correctly embedded or linked into assembly "LicenseManager". baseName:
strings locationInfo: <null> resource file name: strings.resources assembly:
LicenseManager, Version=1.0.1433.26887, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
------------------- error message -------------------
I think that the neutral culture not was linked with the application, then
error occurs.
I created a simple application, console application, that generate the same
But, if I compile (the console application) manually works.
------------------- manually compilation -------------------
resgen strings.txt
resgen strings.en-NZ.txt
resgen strings.de.txt
csc /t:exe /res:strings.resources /out:myApp.exe
al /t:lib /culture:en-NZ /embed:strings.en-NZ.resources
al /t:lib /culture:en-de /embed:strings.de.resources
------------------- manually compilation -------------------
My ask is:
How I resolv this?
How I config the Visual Studio to compile the string.txt with the
application, and link the Satellite Assemblies?
How I compile a ASP.NET application manually, to use /res:strings.resources,
equal the console application?
observation: All resources are configurated as "Embedded Resource".
Please... Help-me!
...I am using some resource files to make the internationalization of a
ASP.NET application.
I created a project and three resource files.
------- resource files -------
------- resource files -------
When I compile, is generated:
------- compiled -------
------- compiled -------
The source to use these resources is:
------------------- source -------------------
= CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US");
= Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
ResourceManager rm = new ResourceManager("strings",
------------------- source -------------------
But when I run the application:
------------------- error message -------------------
Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture (or the
neutral culture) in the given assembly. Make sure "strings.resources" was
correctly embedded or linked into assembly "LicenseManager". baseName:
strings locationInfo: <null> resource file name: strings.resources assembly:
LicenseManager, Version=1.0.1433.26887, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
------------------- error message -------------------
I think that the neutral culture not was linked with the application, then
error occurs.
I created a simple application, console application, that generate the same
But, if I compile (the console application) manually works.
------------------- manually compilation -------------------
resgen strings.txt
resgen strings.en-NZ.txt
resgen strings.de.txt
csc /t:exe /res:strings.resources /out:myApp.exe
al /t:lib /culture:en-NZ /embed:strings.en-NZ.resources
al /t:lib /culture:en-de /embed:strings.de.resources
------------------- manually compilation -------------------
My ask is:
How I resolv this?
How I config the Visual Studio to compile the string.txt with the
application, and link the Satellite Assemblies?
How I compile a ASP.NET application manually, to use /res:strings.resources,
equal the console application?
observation: All resources are configurated as "Embedded Resource".
Please... Help-me!