Interpreter doesnt work?



so i downloaded and installed ruby and there is no APPlicatin/Exe int
he main directory but in bin there is the interpreter but ti doesnt
work, it aluches a DOS-window but there is no evaluator.

do i have to install an IDE to or how do i get an editor and the
interactive prompt?

Drew Olson

globalrev said:
do i have to install an IDE to or how do i get an editor and the
interactive prompt?

Welcome to ruby!

To use the interactive prompt, also known as irb, open a console window
and type "irb" then hit enter.

You can also use any editor you like. I believe the one click installers
comes with a nice simple editor called SciTE which will give you syntax
highlighting. Once you've written your program, navigate to it using a
console window and then type "ruby my_program.rb" to execute your code.

Hope this helps.

- Drew

Peter Jones

globalrev said:
so i downloaded and installed ruby and there is no APPlicatin/Exe int
he main directory but in bin there is the interpreter but ti doesnt
work, it aluches a DOS-window but there is no evaluator.

You probably don't want to invoke the interpreter directly, but
instead send ruby source files through the interpreter to be executed.

First write some ruby code in your editor of choice, and then run that
code through the interpreter.

You can access an interactive session with the interpreter by opening
a DOS window and running the following command:


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