Since Cameron didn't provide examples, let me grab a simple one. The
cheetah templating system works by creating Python programs from the
template. The programs, when run, output the "filled in" template. The
templates are generally more maintainable than the raw python - even
if you cleaned up all the things Cheetah does to make writing
templates easier. This model makes it possible for Cheetah templates
use inheritance - they can inherit from each other, from python
classes, and python classes can inherit from them.
Good example. Excellent one, even, for emphasizing the place
of inheritance in the design.
Functionalism, space-time, security, persistence, duality, ...
I have trouble talking in this area without starting to froth.
An unsatisfying treatment of some of these issues appears in
http://www.unixreview.com/documents/s=9884/ur0509m/ >.
I'll rein myself in and suggest an even easier introduction
to this subject: configuration files. RARELY is the correct
answer to create a new syntax, although many development
organizations give the impression that's their first choice.
".ini"-speak is a safe-enough choice. Most interesting,
though, is to interpret Python or some subset as a configu-
ration specification, so that one has immediately not just
HOME = "/some/folder"
pool_size = cpu_count * 30
and even
if today == "Sunday":
total_process_maximum = 8
available in the configuration language. Neat, eh?
But if configuration is *that* powerful, then it can also
do great damage. How does one make Python interpretation safe?
That's a subject for another day.