Ah sorry haven't seen crosspost :s (I'm reading and replying in
Understood. We don't speak precisely the same language here as you do
there, but some things are common.
???? are you certain of that?
Yes I am. Quote from the standard follows (actually this and all quotes
I use are from a draft of the standard, not the final version, but the
differences are relatively trivial): Global names [lib.global.names]
1 Certain sets of names and function signatures are always reserved to
the implementation:
--Each name that contains a double underscore __) or begins with an
underscore followed by an uppercase letter (_lex.key_) is reserved
to the implementation for any use.
of couse should be class (typo)
Of course.
false! I have included <iostream.h> and that is far enough!
But <iostream.h> has not been part of C since 1998 when the standard was
finalized. If you feel like debating this point, you should get a copy
of the standard and tell me what chapter and verse mentions
ifstream is typo! - should be istream of course!
man, <iostream.h> it is standard C++ header!
No, it's not. From the standard: Headers [lib.headers]
1 The elements of the C++ Standard Library are declared or defined (as
appropriate) in a header.158)
2 The C++ Standard Library provides 32 C++ headers, as shown in Table
Table 11--C++ Library Headers
|<algorithm> <iomanip> <list> <ostream> <streambuf> |
|<bitset> <ios> <locale> <queue> <string> |
|<complex> <iosfwd> <map> <set> <typeinfo> |
|<deque> <iostream> <memory> <sstream> <utility> |
|<exception> <istream> <new> <stack> <valarray> |
|<fstream> <iterator> <numeric> <stdexcept> <vector> |
|<functional> <limits> |
3 The facilities of the Standard C Library are provided in 18 additional
headers, as shown in Table 12:
Table 12--C++ Headers for C Library Facilities
|<cassert> <ciso646> <csetjmp> <cstdio> <ctime> |
|<cctype> <climits> <csignal> <cstdlib> <cwchar> |
|<cerrno> <clocale> <cstdarg> <cstring> <cwctype> |
|<cfloat> <cmath> <cstddef> |
Footnote 158:
158) A header is not necessarily a source file, nor are the sequences
delimited by < and > in header names necessarily valid source file
names (_cpp.include_).
I see no mention of said:
If you want to make that claim then you should back it up, but I warn
you that it will make you look like a fool. From the standard:
3.6.1 Main function [basic.start.main]
1 A program shall contain a global function called main, which is the
designated start of the program. It is implementation-defined whether
a program in a freestanding environment is required to define a main
function. [Note: in a freestanding environment, start-up and termina-
tion is implementation-defined; start-up contains the execution of
constructors for objects of namespace scope with static storage dura-
tion; termination contains the execution of destructors for objects
with static storage duration. ]
2 An implementation shall not predefine the main function. This func-
tion shall not be overloaded. It shall have a return type of type
int, but otherwise its type is implementation-defined. All implemen-
tations shall allow both of the following definitions of main:
int main() { /* ... */ }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* ... */ }
See the part where it says "it shall have a return type of type int"? I
don't see any way that this can be interpreted as "may have a return
type of void".
For the record, no version of C or C++ has ever required 'void' to be
accepted as main's return type. 'void main' is a complete myth. Some
implementations accept it (illegally in the case of C++), but this is
mainly because the false belief that 'void main' is valid is so widespread.
typo again - of course it should be main.cpp
I have a feeling that you have problems with distinguish between C an
C++ :s
Anyway it was posted to com.lang.c++ not comp.lang.c.
I never said anything about C in this thread, and I don't understand
this comment. I assure you that I'm reasonably well-versed in both C and
C++, and don't tend to confuse them (though I certainly wouldn't claim
that I never confuse them).
I allow myself to recommend you great book about C++ if you want learn
it: "C++ Language", author: Bjarne Stroustrup
Good luck!
You mean "The C++ Programming Language"? I have 2 well-worn copies (3rd
edition and special edition). That book backs up pretty much everything
I've said in this thread, but the Standard gets the final say.