I have watched this thread hoping to get an
hint on my problem, but it seems I didn't.
My problem is, that the background of part of
the error messages is always black
(e.g. after typing In [1]: sdfsdf)
and my monitor failes to show the red, green
texts on black background clearly enough
to see it (I can read it after selection, which
inverts the colors).
I have tried to play with PyColorize.py,
LightBGColors = ColorScheme(
token.NUMBER : Colors.Cyan,
token.OP : Colors.Blue,
token.STRING : Colors.Blue,
tokenize.COMMENT : Colors.Red,
token.NAME : Colors.White, # Colors.Black,
token.ERRORTOKEN : Colors.Red,
_KEYWORD : Colors.Green,
_TEXT : Colors.Blue,
'normal' : Colors.White # Colors.Normal # color off (usu.
but without success.
How can I get rid of the black background
"exceptions.NameError" Traceback (most
recent call last)
in with quotation marks marked areas?
Where is the color of the background of this
areas defined?
The color scheme seems to handle only the
text colors, not the background.
Ashot said:
yea, I've done that. It must be something subtle, as the colors and tab
completion works.
"Ashot" <
[email protected]> said:
Ashot wrote:
I am using IPython in windows and the LightBG setting doesn't
because the background of the text is black even if the console
is white. Anyone know whats going on? Thanks.
Ashot Petrosian
University of Texas at Austin, Computer Sciences
(views expressed are solely my own)
Did you try installing readline for windows?
yea I've installed that and ctypes. The color and tab completion work,
its just that colored get displayed with black background, it almost
so its very frustrating..
Did you try the following (from the manual)?:
Input/Output prompts and exception tracebacks
You can test whether the colored prompts and tracebacks work on your
system interactively by typing '%colors Linux' at the prompt (use
'%colors LightBG' if your terminal has a light background). If the input
prompt shows garbage like:
[0;32mIn [[1;32m1[0;32m]: [0;00m
instead of (in color) something like:
In [1]:
this means that your terminal doesn't properly handle color escape
sequences. You can go to a 'no color' mode by typing '%colors NoColor'.
You can try using a different terminal emulator program. To
permanently set your color preferences, edit the file
$HOME/.ipython/ipythonrc and set the colors option to the desired
Ashot Petrosian
University of Texas at Austin, Computer Sciences
(views expressed are solely my own)