is java backwards compatible & installing many JDKS / SDKs
i'm getting this message
PassageTally.java:626: warning: as of release 1.4, assert is a keyword,
and may not be used as an identifier assert verses > 0;
it's not my code.. And I don't know much java anyway. I laernt a little
java long ago. i'm guessing maybe it was using JUnit before there was
an Assert statement in java.
I don't know which java that code was written in. I tried runing it in
1.4, I guess i'll have to try an earlier version..
Anyhow, my question is..
is java not backwards compatible? I knwo it can give errors about
deprecated, but i figured that could be gotton around by using a
command line switch.
If indeed, java is not backwards compatible.. Then is the workaround to
install loads of different versions of JDKs/SDKS?
If so, are there issues? Is it possible for them to clash?
e.g. installing an older one after installing a newer one? or can the
other way around be a problem?
i'm getting this message
PassageTally.java:626: warning: as of release 1.4, assert is a keyword,
and may not be used as an identifier assert verses > 0;
it's not my code.. And I don't know much java anyway. I laernt a little
java long ago. i'm guessing maybe it was using JUnit before there was
an Assert statement in java.
I don't know which java that code was written in. I tried runing it in
1.4, I guess i'll have to try an earlier version..
Anyhow, my question is..
is java not backwards compatible? I knwo it can give errors about
deprecated, but i figured that could be gotton around by using a
command line switch.
If indeed, java is not backwards compatible.. Then is the workaround to
install loads of different versions of JDKs/SDKS?
If so, are there issues? Is it possible for them to clash?
e.g. installing an older one after installing a newer one? or can the
other way around be a problem?