Administrative Tools
Scroll down and look for MySQL (or MySQL 4.1, or whatever it chose
to name the service -- I think the installer can handle multiple
instances in parallel, though I only run one)
Select it. You should have options to either "start" (if stopped) or
"stop", "pause", "restart" (if running).
Ugh, if this is the case, is there more to uninstall than just using the
Add/Remove programs? Where do I delete the database?
Add/Remove usually leaves the contents of databases behind. If you
haven't moved anything, they would be under <install-path>/data
You'd find a mysql directory, a test directory, and a set of InnoDB
files. The mysql directory contains the files that control user access
at various levels... Also ensure that the my.ini file (found in the
install path) is gone.
If you haven't yet, I'd recommend finding a good MySQL reference...
The older Black/Brown O'Reilly/MySQL AB book is good for most stuff up
to the 4.0 level (doesn't have the 5.0 features, and is missing just a
few 4.1 advanced features or the password algorithm change)
It was replaced by the Blue/White MySQL AB books (plural -- they split
administration into a separate book from usage; you'd want both) --
include some discussion of 5.0 (along with a small chapter about MaxDB,
which is really the former enterprise-level SAP-DB)
The SAMS (Developer's Library) Purple/White MySQL book (Red/White was
prior New Riders edition)
Or the Black Apress MySQL 5 Definitive Guide
The Apress is the newest book of the bunch (caution, the second
edition did not cover 5.0, 3rd edition has the 5 in the title)... came
out last fall. SAMS was last summer. The MySQL AB books are a year older
than that. I wouldn't buy the O'Reilly new -- but if it can be found in
good used condition it may be worth the price (IE, around $10-20);
though Amazon has the most recent books for just over $31...