There is only one GPL - the G stands for 'GNU', which in turn stands
for 'Gnu is Not UNIX'. There are, however, different versions of the GPL.
V2 is the one in common current use and is so legally fierce that no-one
has yet dared seriously challenge it in court. V3 is currently in draft
and promises to be even fiercer.
I figured out that every one refers to "The General Public License" as if
it were the only general public license, so I guess that term has become
a de facto name for the "GNU General Public License." So the "G" in
"GPL" stands for "General" not "GNU." The "G" in "GNU" stands for GNU. If
you don't believe me just check out Anyway that is a minor
I have also been doing a lot of research lately. Many commentators,
especially lawyers in the software licensing field working FOR open
source causes, seem to feel that all of the open source licenses (to use
the more general term) are on a bit of shaky ground exactly because the
concept has never been tested in court. The shrink-wrap licenses have
been upheld in court but that may be because they are on paper and the
software installation disk is a physical object. Enforcing a license
against someone who never entered into a legal contract just because they
modified some code hasn't been tested as far as I could find. If you have
some case law to cite I would love to see it. Keep in mind, I am not
arguing against open source licensing. I am just saying it may or may not
have as many teeth as advocates give it credit for.
After having read through a couple dozen licenses, the GPL does not seem
to be nearly as accurate of a legal document as many others I have seen.
Precise legal phrasing is there for a reason, just like clean coding
practices are there for a reason. Even if it looks the same to non-
professionals, it may not work out as well in the end. With all the non-
precise language and excessive explanations and examples in the GPL, they
have actually left MORE room for misinterpretation. That is just the way
it works with legal documents. No, I am not a lawyer, but I have heard
and read this point explained by many lawyers.
I personally suspect that the major companies like Microsoft haven't
directly challenged the GPL or any other open source license because they
fear it would invalidate their shrink-wrap licenses. After all, no one
signed anything and people really just made up the idea of claiming that
someone entered into a contract just by opening a package. I think they
made it up hoping it would get traction just from common use. Eventually
it did but, in the beginning, many doubted their legitimacy.
It would probably be better if there were a legal challenge to the GPL.
Then the open source community would either have set a precedent, if GPL
won, or learned what needs to be fixed, if GPL lost. I don't think a loss
would kill open source. It would just teach people that they can't just
make up these licenses will-nilly and expect them to hold up in court.
They must get real lawyers involved and create legally precise documents.
FWIW I release all the code I make my living from under GPL V2.
Now I know I am going way off topic for this newsgroup but I am curious.
The money you make from writing that code is that paid to you by a
company? So, if you are working for a company then it is the company that
is releasing the software under GPL, correct. So, you are making a living
just writing code, whether or not that code is profitable. It could be
that your company is loosing money hand over fist because they haven't
figured out how to make money using the open source model. Or they are
making a fortune on support. I don't know. But in that case, you are
making money from writing code, not from releasing software under GPL.
On the other hand, if you are working for yourself, could you please tell
me how you are actually making a living by writing code and giving it
away. I'm not arguing. I am genuinely curious.
I suspect that the open source business model can only work for companies
who are big enough to do the marketing it takes to convince people to pay
for support. Even Linus Torvolds has to have a job somewhere where
someone is willing to pay him money to work on Linux. As an individual,
even he isn't "big" enough to make money releasing code as open source.
Again, not arguing against. Just making an observation.