-I want to save tags into an array, then go back and read each
individual words(loosly typed) typed.
-Then when the search button is pushed...search over the ablums name
and the tags that were typed in, then printout(show) the corresponding
ablum to that search.
Thanks again...
oppps....here is the code...i got so far...
#Example songs
songs = ["Purple Haze" ,"Manic Depression" ,"Hey Joe","Love or
Confusion", "May This Be Love", "I Don't Live Today", "The Wind Cries
Mary" , "Fire" , "Third Stone From the Sun", "Foxy Lady","Are You
Experienced?","Stone Free" , "51st Anniversary" ,"Highway Chile", "Can
You See Me", "Remember","Red House" ]
#ratings for rating list box
rating = ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5", ]
#getting tk information
require 'tk'
require 'index'
#importing image for album picture
img = TkPhotoImage.new {
file "test.gif"
#creates the initial tk window and creates a permenant size so
reasizing is unavailable
window = TkRoot.new{title "Album Information"}
window.maxsize(550, 500)
window.minsize(550, 500)
#creates the Bottom Frame
background "CadetBlue"
}.pack("side"=>"bottom", 'expand'=>true, 'fill'=>'both','anchor'=>'w')
#creates the Bottom Left Frame
background "CadetBlue"
}.pack("side"=>"left", 'expand'=>true, 'fill'=>'both','anchor'=>'w')
#creates the Left Frame
background "CadetBlue"
}.pack("side"=>"left", 'expand'=>true, 'fill'=>'both','anchor'=>'nw')
#creates the Right Frame
right_frame=TkFrame.new (window){
background "CadetBlue"
}.pack("side"=>"right", 'expand'=>true, 'fill'=>'both','anchor'=>'ne')
#creates a Song List Label
song_List_Label = TkLabel.new(left_frame) {
text "Song List"
background "CadetBlue"
foreground "lawn green"
#Creates scroll bar for song list
song_bar = TkScrollbar.new(left_frame){
background "Deep sky blue"
troughcolor "lawn green"
#List box for Albums + Artists
song_list = TkListbox.new(left_frame) {
insert("end", *songs)
background "white"
selectbackground "Deep sky blue"
}.pack("side" => "left", "fill" => "both", "expand" => true)
#Adds scroll bar to song list
song_bar.command{|*args| song_list.yview(*args)}
song_list.yscrollcommand{|first , last|
song_bar.set(first, last)
#Displays image
displayed_Iamge = TkLabel.new(right_frame) {
background "CadetBlue"
image img
}.pack("pady"=>25, "padx"=>5)
#creates a numbered list box for rating
rate_list = TkListbox.new(bottom_frame){
height 5
width 2
background "white"
selectbackground "Deep sky blue"
insert('end', *rating)
#creates a Rating Label
rating_Label = TkLabel.new(bottom_frame){
background "CadetBlue"
foreground "lawn green"
text "Rating:"
#creates a Current Rating indicator
current_Rating_label = TkLabel.new(bottom_frame){
background "CadetBlue"
foreground "lawn green"
text "0"
#creates the "RATE IT" button
rate_It_Button = TkButton.new(bottom_frame){
background "Deep sky blue"
command{ }
text "RATE IT!!!"
}.pack("side"=>"top", "pady"=>"5")
#creates the notes label above text
notes_Label = TkLabel.new(bottom_left_frame) {
background "CadetBlue"
foreground "lawn green"
text "Notes"
#creates a text notes area for user input
notes = TkText.new(bottom_left_frame){
borderwidth 4
width 30
height 15
background 'white'
selectbackground "Deep sky blue"
selectforeground "black"
#creates the Entry Box for tags
tag_Entry_Box = TkEntry.new(bottom_frame){
width 30
background 'white'
selectbackground "Deep sky blue"
selectforeground "black"
#creates label "Tag"
tag_Label = TkLabel.new(bottom_frame){
foreground "lawn green"
background "CadetBlue"
text "Tags : "
#creates the TAG button
tag_Button = TkButton.new(bottom_frame){
background "Deep sky blue"
command{ Array.new(tag_Entry_Box) }
text "Save Tags"
}.pack("side"=>"right", "pady"=>"10", "padx" => 3)
#testing scroll bar
test = ["Album One","testing this","testing this","testing
this","testing this","testing this","testing this","testing
this","testing this","testing this","testing this","testing
this","testing this","testing this","testing this","testing
this","testing this","testing this"]
#inputs the GUI class tk
require 'tk'
require 'window'
#Class searches for a song or album, using its tags.
class Search
#imports an album picture
img = TkPhotoImage.new {
file "Experienced.gif"
#create a variable root as the container tree
#Creates a window with a the title "to be determined
root = TkRoot.new {title 'index'}
#Frames {
#top frame
top_frame = TkFrame.new(root){
background "Cadetblue"
}.pack("side" => "top", "fill" => "both")
#middle frame
middle_frame = TkFrame.new(root){
background "Cadetblue"
}.pack("side" => "top", "anchor" => "w", "fill" => "x")
#bottom left frame
bottom_left_frame = TkFrame.new(root){
background "Cadetblue"
}.pack("side" => "left", "fill" => "both", "expand" => true)
#bottom right frame
bottom_right_frame = TkFrame.new(root){
background "Cadetblue"
}.pack("side" => "right", "fill" => "both", "expand" => true)
#end of frames }
#Search Block {
#Search by album or artist from input
search_input = TkEntry.new(top_frame) {
width 50
selectbackground "Deep sky blue"
selectforeground "black"
}.pack("side" => "left", "fill" => "x", "padx" => 5, "pady" => 5)
#Search button
search = TkButton.new(top_frame) {
text "Search"
background "Deep sky blue"
}.pack("side" => "left", "padx" => 5, "pady" => 5)
#end of search block }
#Album label for list box
album_label = TkLabel.new(middle_frame) {
text "Album"
background "Cadetblue"
foreground "lawn green"
}.pack("side" => "left", "padx" => 5, "pady" => 5)
#Artist label for list box
artist_label = TkLabel.new(middle_frame) {
text "Artist"
background "Cadetblue"
foreground "lawn green"
}.pack("side" => "left", "padx" => 125, "pady" => 5)
#Creates scroll bar for a list
list_bar = TkScrollbar.new(bottom_left_frame){
background "Deep sky blue"
troughcolor "lawn green"
#List box for Albums + Artists
album_artist_list = TkListbox.new(bottom_left_frame) {
insert("end", *test)
background "white"
selectbackground "Deep sky blue"
}.pack("side" => "bottom", "fill" => "both", "expand" => true)
#Adds scroll bar to list
list_bar.command{|*args| album_artist_list.yview(*args)}
album_artist_list.yscrollcommand{|first , last|
list_bar.set(first, last)
#Buttons {
#Add Album button
add_album = TkButton.new(top_frame) {
text "Add Album"
background "Deep sky blue"
}.pack("side" => "right", "padx" => 50, "pady" => 5)
#List view button
list_view = TkButton.new(top_frame) {
text "List View"
background "Deep sky blue"
command { album_artist_list.delete(0,"end") }
#command { album_artist_list.insert(*test) }
}.pack("side" => "top", "padx" => 50, "pady" => 5)
#Thumbnail view button
thumb_view = TkButton.new(top_frame) {
text "Thumbnail View"
background "Deep sky blue"
command { album_artist_list.delete(0,"end") }
#command { album_artist_list.insert(img) }
}.pack("side" => "top", "padx" => 50, "pady" => 5)
#end of buttons }
#Example thumbnail
image img
command {system("ruby -w window.rb")}
background "Cadetblue"