Magnus Therning
I am currently using Automake to make distributable tar-balls of my
application. Is there something else (hopefully better) that I can use?
I use the following functionality of Automake:
- Modification of sources at build time for things like paths and
version numbers.
- Building an archive suitable for distributing both to people who are
interested in contributing and to people who are just using it.
- Installation of the application.
Magnus Therning Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven
Phone: +31 40 2745179 (OpenPGP: 0x4FBB2C40)
The only way to be truly creative is to never repeat yourself.
-- Rob Breszny
application. Is there something else (hopefully better) that I can use?
I use the following functionality of Automake:
- Modification of sources at build time for things like paths and
version numbers.
- Building an archive suitable for distributing both to people who are
interested in contributing and to people who are just using it.
- Installation of the application.
Magnus Therning Philips Research Laboratories Eindhoven
Phone: +31 40 2745179 (OpenPGP: 0x4FBB2C40)
The only way to be truly creative is to never repeat yourself.
-- Rob Breszny