I have just started messing with the itextsharp component and was
wondering if it was possible to add two concatenated phrases each with
a different font type to a a table cell
Dim pdfCell As Cell
Dim phFirst As Phrase
Dim phSecond As Phrase
Dim fntNormalText As Font = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA,
12, Font.NORMAL)
Dim fntBoldText As Font = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA,
12, Font.BOLD)
phFirst = New Phrase(("Name:", fntBoldText)
phSecond = New Phrase(strFirstName & " " & strSurname, fntNormalText)
pdfCell = New Cell(phFirst & phSecond)
The above doesn't work, but I was hoping someone could point me in the
right direction to accomplish the task.
Many thanks
I have just started messing with the itextsharp component and was
wondering if it was possible to add two concatenated phrases each with
a different font type to a a table cell
Dim pdfCell As Cell
Dim phFirst As Phrase
Dim phSecond As Phrase
Dim fntNormalText As Font = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA,
12, Font.NORMAL)
Dim fntBoldText As Font = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA,
12, Font.BOLD)
phFirst = New Phrase(("Name:", fntBoldText)
phSecond = New Phrase(strFirstName & " " & strSurname, fntNormalText)
pdfCell = New Cell(phFirst & phSecond)
The above doesn't work, but I was hoping someone could point me in the
right direction to accomplish the task.
Many thanks