Chris said:
I can't find a good answer easily. The implication from evaluations of
a few bug reports is that AWT components insert a single '\n' when the
user hits enter, regardless of platform, but if you intentionally store
a \r\n into the text field, then Sun's intention is that it should be
displayed as you expect; but really don't do it anyway. Anyone see a
good answer anywhere?
The actual behaviour seems to be a little more complex than that. I assume
(without evidence) that it's by design.
I haven't tried all possibilities, but it appears that if you start with text
containing only \n as its separator (running on Windows), then
java.awt.TextArea appears to preserve that, and if you edit the text manually,
then it adds just more \n-s to the text. So far, so good. But if you start
with text that contains at least one \r\n sequence (such as text loaded from a
Windows text file), then it switches mode, and maps all \n-s into \n\r pairs,
including whatever you enter manually.
That's using 1.5.0_6 on WinXP.
-- chris
====== little test proggy ========
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class Test
// play with this to experiment
static String string = "0123456789\r\n0123456789\n0123456789\n";
public static void
main(String[] args)
Frame frame = new Frame("Test");
TextArea text = new TextArea(string);
text.addMouseListener(new Tracker());
System.out.println("Size: "
+ string.length() // 34
+ " "
+ text.getText().length()); // 36
class Tracker
extends MouseAdapter
public void
mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
public void
mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
private void
track(TextArea text)
System.out.println("Selection: ["
+ text.getSelectionStart()
+ ", "
+ text.getSelectionEnd()
+ ") = "
+ text.getSelectedText().length()
+ " out of "
+ text.getText().length()
+ " chars");