Turloch O'Tierney
Is there a tools for (java) development list anywhere similar to
http://www.linux.ie/newusers/alternatives.php (alternatives.php covers more
general linux use)?
I found http://www.ejbsolutions.com/features.html which has 100 open source
solutions packaged together:
Ant HSQLDB OpenOffice.org
ANTLR HttpUnit Oracle Suppport
Apache Server JAF Oro
Avalon Phoenix James phpBB
BCEL JavaGroups phpMyAdmin
BeanShell JavaHelp PostgreSQL
BSF JavaMail Python
Cactus Javassist PyXML
Castor Java Service Wrapper rdf2dot.xsl
CeWolf Jaxen Regexp
cglib JBoss Roller Weblogger
Checkstyle JCS Saxon
Commons JDepend Scarab
CVS JDK Squirrel SQL Viewer
CVSGraph JDOM Struts
CWM JEdit Tiles
DB2 Support Jelly Tomcat
DbUnit Jetspeed Torque
DocBook JFreeChart Turbine
DocBook XSL JMeter Velocity
Dom4j jRegistryKey Very Quick Wiki
Eclipse JSTL ViewCVS
Eclipse:AspectJ JUnit WinCVS
Eclipse:Hibernator Log4j Xalan
Eclipse:JBoss-IDE Lucene XDoclet
Eclipse:Lomboz Maven X-Diff
EJB Benchmark Middlegen Xerces
Enscript mod_python
FOP mod-jk2
Fulcrum MySQL
Graphviz MySQL_Connector/J
Hibernate NetBeans
to which I would probably add MrProject/Planner, Phpcollab, emacs (and vim
), GAIM and Gnomemeeting.
What other useful tools would be included in a distributed developer
project, in this case a parser project using antlr ?
The end product is likely to be free as in beer.
Turloch O'Tierney
http://www.linux.ie/newusers/alternatives.php (alternatives.php covers more
general linux use)?
I found http://www.ejbsolutions.com/features.html which has 100 open source
solutions packaged together:
Ant HSQLDB OpenOffice.org
ANTLR HttpUnit Oracle Suppport
Apache Server JAF Oro
Avalon Phoenix James phpBB
BCEL JavaGroups phpMyAdmin
BeanShell JavaHelp PostgreSQL
BSF JavaMail Python
Cactus Javassist PyXML
Castor Java Service Wrapper rdf2dot.xsl
CeWolf Jaxen Regexp
cglib JBoss Roller Weblogger
Checkstyle JCS Saxon
Commons JDepend Scarab
CVS JDK Squirrel SQL Viewer
CVSGraph JDOM Struts
CWM JEdit Tiles
DB2 Support Jelly Tomcat
DbUnit Jetspeed Torque
DocBook JFreeChart Turbine
DocBook XSL JMeter Velocity
Dom4j jRegistryKey Very Quick Wiki
Eclipse JSTL ViewCVS
Eclipse:AspectJ JUnit WinCVS
Eclipse:Hibernator Log4j Xalan
Eclipse:JBoss-IDE Lucene XDoclet
Eclipse:Lomboz Maven X-Diff
EJB Benchmark Middlegen Xerces
Enscript mod_python
FOP mod-jk2
Fulcrum MySQL
Graphviz MySQL_Connector/J
Hibernate NetBeans
to which I would probably add MrProject/Planner, Phpcollab, emacs (and vim
), GAIM and Gnomemeeting.
What other useful tools would be included in a distributed developer
project, in this case a parser project using antlr ?
The end product is likely to be free as in beer.
Turloch O'Tierney