Brilliant, change client requirements and expectation for ease of
One of the rules of brainstorming is you don't throw wet blankets on
any suggestions. It stifles the flow of imagination. You do that
later after a wide assortment of ideas has been generated.
Consider also that these discussions are not intended for just the
O.P. They are for people who may have similar problems later, or for
people reading the thread years later, whose requirements are not
identical to O.P.s.
My back goes up when a poster starts treating fellow posters as
employees whose duty is to serve him in the manner he most prefers.
I see it more that O.P. simply seeded a discussion by tossing out an
interesting question.
The most elegant solutions to problems often come when you change your
requirements slightly because something that you thought was fixed,
was not quite so unmovable.
Analogously, I discovered the key to writing very fast assembler code
was to set up every loop is an often peculiar way, but that was highly
convenient for the loop body. You have to change your notions of what
the initial conditions are. You write the code from the inside out.
It is one thing to say that at given idea will not apply in this case,
but quite another to chastise someone for presenting it. Lew was
completely in bounds with his suggestion.
Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
I advocate that super programmers who can juggle vastly more complex balls than average guys can, should be banned, by management, from dragging the average crowd into system complexity zones where the whole team will start to drown.
~ Jan V.