Hi, everybody. I wondered how would you write a ResourceBundle-like
class in Ruby. Basically, what I need is hash which is initialized by
reading key,value pairs from a file.
I'm not 100% sure at the moment, but the lookup
is two level, isn't it? I mean, you select a bundle via Locale and then
do the lookup along the Locale "hierarchy". So you probably need some
parent member along these lines:
class ResourceBundle < Hash
def initialize(fileName)
File.open(fileName) do |io|
io.each do |line|
/^\s*(\S+)\s*[=:]\s*(.*)$/ =~ line and self[$1]= $2
def [](key)
result = super
result = parent[key] if result.nil? && parent
I don't understand the parent member. Is it the fall back bundle it is
used in case the program doesn't found the localized one?
Yes. Java Locale lookup is done like this:
getBundle uses the base name, the specified locale, and the default locale
(obtained from Locale.getDefault) to generate a sequence of candidate
bundle names. If the specified locale's language, country, and variant are
all empty strings, then the base name is the only candidate bundle name.
Otherwise, the following sequence is generated from the attribute values
of the specified locale (language1, country1, and variant1) and of the
default locale (language2, country2, and variant2):
a.. baseName + "_" + language1 + "_" + country1 + "_" + variant1
b.. baseName + "_" + language1 + "_" + country1
c.. baseName + "_" + language1
d.. baseName + "_" + language2 + "_" + country2 + "_" + variant2
e.. baseName + "_" + language2 + "_" + country2
f.. baseName + "_" + language2
g.. baseName
Taken from:
http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs...ing, java.util.Locale, java.lang.ClassLoader)
When is it
filled up with data?
Well, the code was just meant as a quick hack illustrating example.
#initialize probably should not do the reading from the file at all.
Rather some other method should do it and set parents properly.