Hi all,
another possible title for this message would be:
Where can I find effective references on design patterns and best
practices to build complete and elegant Swing applications?
I have been developing Swing applications for about 3 years and never
got satisfied with the results. In the begining I was not using any
design pattern, just putting all my code there in the same class, so
you can imagine the mess. After some months I started looking for some
references on "building elegant Swing applications" and what I found
was very frustrating: there are very few _effective_ references on
I think _effective_ is a very important word here. In fact, there are
thousands of sites and books describing Java technologies and another
thousand others explaining how to build a complete Web application
using J2EE technologies. The problem is finding references on building
a complete, real-life, java rich client application. This topic is so
controverse that one will find many terminologies to define the same
type of application: java rich client application, java desktop
application, java GUI application, Swing application. The situation
gets worse by the fact that people used MVC to build Swing. Then you
try googling "swing MVC" and thousands of sites explaining how Swing
was developed show up. The problem is I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW HOW SWING
SWING! I have even tried to adapt some J2EE patterns to Swing
applications, but the results were definetly not good.
In fact, there are some sparse references describing how to build
complete Swing applications using patterns like Presentation Model and
Model-View-Presenter (MVP):
- Desktop Java Live: http://www.sourcebeat.com/TitleAction.do?id=10
- JGoodies: www.jgoodies.com
- Martin Fowler home-page: www.martinfowler.com
- Martin Fowler work-in-progress (Patterns of Enterprise Application
Architecture): www.martinfowler.com/eaaDev
- Spring Rich Client Project: www.springframework.org/spring-rcp
- Eclipse Rich Client Platform:
- The Humble Dialog Box:
The problem with this references is that the information is either not
uniform or not consistent. Each one explains MVP one way, with very
poor examples. It would be very good to see a complete source code
example of a Swing application using MVP and accessing a persistence
layer. Does anybody know where can I find that? Any book talking about
this topic would be very good too.
"It is our belief the only problem with Swing is that there are a
limited number of higher-level abstractions available that assist in
making the toolkit simpler and easier to use, and a limited number of
design best practices. The goal of spring-richclient is to provide
that." Spring Rich Client Project
Thanks in advance,
Diego M. da Rosa
diegomrosa at gmail dot com
another possible title for this message would be:
Where can I find effective references on design patterns and best
practices to build complete and elegant Swing applications?
I have been developing Swing applications for about 3 years and never
got satisfied with the results. In the begining I was not using any
design pattern, just putting all my code there in the same class, so
you can imagine the mess. After some months I started looking for some
references on "building elegant Swing applications" and what I found
was very frustrating: there are very few _effective_ references on
I think _effective_ is a very important word here. In fact, there are
thousands of sites and books describing Java technologies and another
thousand others explaining how to build a complete Web application
using J2EE technologies. The problem is finding references on building
a complete, real-life, java rich client application. This topic is so
controverse that one will find many terminologies to define the same
type of application: java rich client application, java desktop
application, java GUI application, Swing application. The situation
gets worse by the fact that people used MVC to build Swing. Then you
try googling "swing MVC" and thousands of sites explaining how Swing
was developed show up. The problem is I DO NOT WANT TO KNOW HOW SWING
SWING! I have even tried to adapt some J2EE patterns to Swing
applications, but the results were definetly not good.
In fact, there are some sparse references describing how to build
complete Swing applications using patterns like Presentation Model and
Model-View-Presenter (MVP):
- Desktop Java Live: http://www.sourcebeat.com/TitleAction.do?id=10
- JGoodies: www.jgoodies.com
- Martin Fowler home-page: www.martinfowler.com
- Martin Fowler work-in-progress (Patterns of Enterprise Application
Architecture): www.martinfowler.com/eaaDev
- Spring Rich Client Project: www.springframework.org/spring-rcp
- Eclipse Rich Client Platform:
- The Humble Dialog Box:
The problem with this references is that the information is either not
uniform or not consistent. Each one explains MVP one way, with very
poor examples. It would be very good to see a complete source code
example of a Swing application using MVP and accessing a persistence
layer. Does anybody know where can I find that? Any book talking about
this topic would be very good too.
"It is our belief the only problem with Swing is that there are a
limited number of higher-level abstractions available that assist in
making the toolkit simpler and easier to use, and a limited number of
design best practices. The goal of spring-richclient is to provide
that." Spring Rich Client Project
Thanks in advance,
Diego M. da Rosa
diegomrosa at gmail dot com