James Perry
I am a BSc(Hons) Business Information Systems student. For my
disseration, I am designing and developing a Java web application for a
charity. The local chairty provides free IT training and lessons to
disadvantaged people around the regional community. They have a access
database, which is not very relational, and it doesn't store essential
date nore provide statistics they are wanting. I proposed a MySQL DB and
have it accessible by a Java Web Application using JSP/Servlets. The
charity director and project co-ordinator like the idea of being able to
access it 24/7. This system allows their clients to register, view
lessons, enroll on lessons and request loan items.
I've analysed their forms and their process and normalised their datal
which has given this proposed ERD:
To view the template and the proposed functionality of the administrator
interface, go to URL:
I am going to use the MVC architecture as I previosuly used PHP for web
apps but fed of the messy programming where you have presentation and
business logic incorporated. I have some questions though. Should I have
a front controller which directs the request to the respective servet?
or should it be directed straigh to the respective JSP? How does the
JDBC work within a web app?
I would be very gratefull if anyone can point me in the right direction.
Many many thanks.
- James
I am a BSc(Hons) Business Information Systems student. For my
disseration, I am designing and developing a Java web application for a
charity. The local chairty provides free IT training and lessons to
disadvantaged people around the regional community. They have a access
database, which is not very relational, and it doesn't store essential
date nore provide statistics they are wanting. I proposed a MySQL DB and
have it accessible by a Java Web Application using JSP/Servlets. The
charity director and project co-ordinator like the idea of being able to
access it 24/7. This system allows their clients to register, view
lessons, enroll on lessons and request loan items.
I've analysed their forms and their process and normalised their datal
which has given this proposed ERD:
To view the template and the proposed functionality of the administrator
interface, go to URL:
I am going to use the MVC architecture as I previosuly used PHP for web
apps but fed of the messy programming where you have presentation and
business logic incorporated. I have some questions though. Should I have
a front controller which directs the request to the respective servet?
or should it be directed straigh to the respective JSP? How does the
JDBC work within a web app?
I would be very gratefull if anyone can point me in the right direction.
Many many thanks.
- James