Javascript for game developement path

Apr 12, 2021
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Hello , I am Fairly New to Javascript about 2 months now of studying it (alone), I believe that I have a decent comprehension of the fundamentals.
Variables,Operators,If/Else, (loops still confuse me a bit),funtions,Arrays,Objects (not advanced) and some DOM manipulation, such as selecting elements and adding eventlisteners. That's about it.
I am interested in making games fully in Javascript if possible and I was wondering what is the path I should take ? Or I would say what things do I have to focus on learning in the future? Because now I am still trying to master the basics because I know they can get pretty complicated ^^
Thank you in Advance! I just joined this Forum and I am excited to be part of the community I hope I make it in this field.
Mar 3, 2021
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Just Google "javascript game engine" and you'll be in good shape. Is there any reason you're tied to JS? If you just want something that can play on browsers, other, larger engines, such as Unity, have "exporters" that allow them to be fully cross platform, including browsers. But, JS is easy, fast, and has plenty of resources online, so it's a great starting point. The basics will come with projects, just keep at it! Good luck!
Apr 12, 2021
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Thank you, That's the reason actually is just to start with Javascript first just like I started with HTML and CSS then expand later when I get the basics. I will lookinto that. So FarI am finding plenty of ressources from the video that SunFighter posted . It's a bit complicated for me to be honest right now But do you suggest just copying the code along with the video and keep doing it until I understand what I am doing ? xD
Mar 3, 2021
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If you have enough of the basics to try to keep up with tutorials, I'd stick with those and copy code. Try to avoid copy and pasting and try to actually understand everything that's happening. But, don't get too hung up and stuck somewhere if you don't; just come back later and read it again after you've learned more or finished the tutorial in its entirety. You'll be learning programming and game programming simultaneously, so it'll be tough. If you find you're not understanding _enough_, maybe then go back to the basics. But following game tutorials will give you something more tangible at the end and will be a lot more fun and engaging than learning by rote or dry tutorials for the basics. I can't say if thoroughly learning the basics first would actually be faster, slower, or more or less effective, I'm not an educator. But, the most important part of learning is just doing it. If tutorials where you actually make games keeps you going, then that's probably going to be the most effective method for you. Probably.
Aug 18, 2021
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