How can you validate Javascript generated HTML for XHTML 1.0 strict
To avoid the "<" and "&" problem, all inline scripts MUST be enclosed
with either:
<!-- script --> Looked down upon at the w3 site.
//<![CDATA[ script //]]> Recommended.
Or put into an external js file.
However, when using any of these methods, you can use any none XHTML
1.0 strict stuff in a script like <center> and <br> instead of <br />
and still pass the w3 validation test.
I've looked for info at w3 but I get the feeling that they have a low
opinion of Javascript. I'd like to use a XHTML 1.0 strict doctype with
my pages but why should I bother if they're not bothered with
Javascript. Is Javascript considered the shell suit of internet
fashion by the w3?
To avoid the "<" and "&" problem, all inline scripts MUST be enclosed
with either:
<!-- script --> Looked down upon at the w3 site.
//<![CDATA[ script //]]> Recommended.
Or put into an external js file.
However, when using any of these methods, you can use any none XHTML
1.0 strict stuff in a script like <center> and <br> instead of <br />
and still pass the w3 validation test.
I've looked for info at w3 but I get the feeling that they have a low
opinion of Javascript. I'd like to use a XHTML 1.0 strict doctype with
my pages but why should I bother if they're not bothered with
Javascript. Is Javascript considered the shell suit of internet
fashion by the w3?