Emmanuelle Girodet
[Removed invalid group comp.lang.java.developer - moderator]
Riflexo released JCredo JDO's latest plug-in for Oracle® JDeveloper,
making JCredo the first JDO implementation being fully compatible with
Oracle production environment, including Oracle Database, Oracle
Application Server 10g, and the recently launched JDeveloper 10g.
JCredo's new plug-in for Oracle JDeveloper 10g speeds up any JCredo
JDO-based project development, giving users the possibility to manage
their JDO project without having to leave Oracle's IDE.
JCredo is available for evaluation on jcredo.com
Riflexo released JCredo JDO's latest plug-in for Oracle® JDeveloper,
making JCredo the first JDO implementation being fully compatible with
Oracle production environment, including Oracle Database, Oracle
Application Server 10g, and the recently launched JDeveloper 10g.
JCredo's new plug-in for Oracle JDeveloper 10g speeds up any JCredo
JDO-based project development, giving users the possibility to manage
their JDO project without having to leave Oracle's IDE.
JCredo is available for evaluation on jcredo.com