Ian Harding
I'm setting up an enviroment with the following information before binding.
Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL = "(e-mail address removed)"
Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS = "password"
Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
Context.PROVIDER_URL = "ldap://hostname:389/dc=domain,dc=com"
This works fine to connect to an Active Directory server running on
Windows Server 2000 or 2003 without a service pack. On a Server 2003
SP1 system, the bind fails. On of the changes made by applying SP1 is
that anonymous logins are no longer permitted by default. If I
re-enable anonymous logins (by changing the value of the dsHeuristics
server attribute), the bind succeeds.
I'm confused by this because it isn't an anonymous bind, or is it? Have
the servers been ignoring the credentials all along and always
connecting anonymously without me realising?
Is there a better way to connect to Active Directory, so anonymous
connections are not required on the server?
Thank you,
Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL = "(e-mail address removed)"
Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS = "password"
Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY = "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory"
Context.PROVIDER_URL = "ldap://hostname:389/dc=domain,dc=com"
This works fine to connect to an Active Directory server running on
Windows Server 2000 or 2003 without a service pack. On a Server 2003
SP1 system, the bind fails. On of the changes made by applying SP1 is
that anonymous logins are no longer permitted by default. If I
re-enable anonymous logins (by changing the value of the dsHeuristics
server attribute), the bind succeeds.
I'm confused by this because it isn't an anonymous bind, or is it? Have
the servers been ignoring the credentials all along and always
connecting anonymously without me realising?
Is there a better way to connect to Active Directory, so anonymous
connections are not required on the server?
Thank you,