Hi all,
in my code I used to call Java method which is void and nas no
arguments, from native code, like:
jEnv->CallVoidMethod( obj, jEnv->GetMethodID( jEnv->GetObjectClass( obj
), "envDepInfo", "()V" ) );
Now I want to call Java method which is also void, but takes some int
arguments. I can not just say
jEnv->CallVoidMethod( obj, jEnv->GetMethodID( jEnv->GetObjectClass( obj
), "envDepInfo", "(I)V" ) );
because I have more than one arguments, and also I do not have any idea
how to pass that arguments. Does anyone can help me with this?
in my code I used to call Java method which is void and nas no
arguments, from native code, like:
jEnv->CallVoidMethod( obj, jEnv->GetMethodID( jEnv->GetObjectClass( obj
), "envDepInfo", "()V" ) );
Now I want to call Java method which is also void, but takes some int
arguments. I can not just say
jEnv->CallVoidMethod( obj, jEnv->GetMethodID( jEnv->GetObjectClass( obj
), "envDepInfo", "(I)V" ) );
because I have more than one arguments, and also I do not have any idea
how to pass that arguments. Does anyone can help me with this?