JNI: changing from ARGB to RRRGGGBBB memory problem




I am trying to modify some color information from java to C.
I have the information given by java in a format ARGB and I would like to
convert it as:

without the A composant. Separating the A,R,G,B part is not hard. My main
problem is the size of my images.

I have something like
jsize len = env -> GetArrayLength(arr);

where len = 3145728 (for a given image The width 2048, the height 1536)

I have tried to put it inside a unsigned char variable vector, but it doesn't
work well. I seems like that's a lot of memory (Eclipse just stops executing the
jni program).

Do you have an idea in order to bypass this "memory" problem ?

thanks a lot,



The error I get is
segmentation fault.

My code is:

void argb2rgb(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray arr)
jsize len = env -> GetArrayLength(arr);
int *body = env -> GetIntArrayElements(arr, 0);

int compSize = len / 4 ;
printf("\n%d len:%d\n",compSize,len);

uchar rgbArr [3 * compSize];
uchar* pr = (uchar*) rgbArr;
uchar* pg = pr + compSize;
uchar* pb = pg + compSize;

//pg = pr + compSize;
//pb = pg + compSize;

int i = 0;
for( i = 0 ; i< 1; i++){
uchar red = ((body >> 16) & 0xff);
//pr = &red;

uchar green = ((body >> 8) & 0xff);
//pg = &green;

uchar blue = (body & 0xff);
//pg = &blue;

int result = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue;
//printf("red %d pointer: %d result: %x",red, *pr, result);

env -> ReleaseIntArrayElements(arr, body, 0);

Roedy Green

I am trying to modify some color information from java to C.
I have the information given by java in a format ARGB and I would like to
convert it as:

What would happen if you cut your image into four pieces and processed
them separately?

Eric Sosman

Marcelo wrote On 12/13/05 17:43,:
The error I get is
segmentation fault.

My code is:

void argb2rgb(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jintArray arr)
jsize len = env -> GetArrayLength(arr);
int *body = env -> GetIntArrayElements(arr, 0);

int compSize = len / 4 ;
printf("\n%d len:%d\n",compSize,len);

uchar rgbArr [3 * compSize];

Given the dimensions mentioned in your first message,
this array will require nine megabytes -- somewhat more
than most environments provide for stack space. You may
be able to run the program with an enormous stack size,
but a better alternative would be to create the array on
the heap instead of on the stack.

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