JOIN recordsets


Marco Alting

Is it possible to INNER JOIN two recordsets in ASP? I don't mean the normal
JOIN you would use with two tables, but actually join the recordsets in ASP?


It would make more sense to get the data in a joined state, but I'll assume
you have a good reason not to.
You could create a new recordset and add the values from the two recordsets.
You could move everything to an array.

I think we'd need more detail to be helpful

Manohar Kamath [MVP]

In a way, yes... you will have to use the SHAPEd queries to do this.

Marco Alting

I'm trying to implement the SHAPEd queries, but I'm not sure how to
translate my Access queries to the shaped ones. Let me explain a litle
bit further; I have three levels of values, the lowest level being a Sum
and LastOf fields of cost items (thats the first query lets call it
Qry3), Then in Qry2 a level higher, all values of Qry3 are Summed again
using a related table and an ID. And Qry1 is a Summing of all values in
Qry2. So in Access it goes something like this for Qry2:

Sum(Qry3.SumOfBudget) AS SumOfSumOfBudget

I the line above, the SumOfbudget is referenced from the Qry3 query. Can
I do the same call in the SHAPEd query?

Marco Alting

Here's my (not working) SHAPEd query, can you tell me whats wrong here:

"SHAPE {SELECT TblNode.TblNodeID, TblNode.NodeLabel, "_
& "Sum(QryLevel3CostTotals.SumOfBudget) AS SumOfSumOfBudget, "_
& "Sum(QryLevel3CostTotals.SumOfVariation) AS SumOfSumOfVariation, "_
& "Sum(QryLevel3CostTotals.LastOfCommitted) AS SumOfLastOfCommitted, "_
& "Sum(QryLevel3CostTotals.LastOfActual) AS SumOfLastOfActual, "_
& "Sum(QryLevel3CostTotals.LastOfWork) AS SumOfLastOfWork, "_
& "Sum(QryLevel3CostTotals.LastOfAccrual) AS SumOfLastOfAccrual "_
& "FROM TblNode"_
& "GROUP BY TblNode.TblNodeID, TblNode.NodeLabel} "_
&"APPEND {SELECT TblNode.TblNodeID, TblNode.NodeLabel,
TblMainEntry.cbsID, TblCBSandBudget.CBSdescription, " _
& "Sum(TblCBSandBudget.Budget) AS SumOfBudget, "_
)) AS SumOfVariation, " _
])) AS LastOfCommitted, " _
& "Last(IIf(IsNull([TblMainEntry].[Actual]),0,[TblMainEntry].[Actual]))
AS LastOfActual," _
& "Last(IIf(IsNull([TblMainEntry].[Worked]),0,[TblMainEntry].[Worked]))
AS LastOfWork," _
AS LastOfAccrual," _
])) AS LastOfEntryDate " _
& "FROM (TblMainEntry RIGHT JOIN TblCBSandBudget ON TblMainEntry.cbsID
= TblCBSandBudget.cbsID) " _
& "INNER JOIN TblNode ON TblCBSandBudget.NodeID = TblNode.TblNodeID " _
& "GROUP BY TblNode.TblNodeID, TblNode.NodeLabel, TblMainEntry.cbsID,
TblCBSandBudget.CBSdescription " _
& "} AS QryLevel3CostTotals "_
&"RELATE {TblNodeID TO TblNodeID}"

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