JPEG and C language..




I want to know abt some basic operations such as

1) copy a JPG image from one location to another/same location using
C language.

2) Add the Status information to an existing image then separate the
image and status from the image using C.

Any notes and documents avail, send it...
Can any one help me regarding this ..
thanks in advance.

Vladimir Oka

Ramesh said:
I want to know abt some basic operations such as

What I want to know is what "abt" is?
1) copy a JPG image from one location to another/same location using
C language.

Possible, but "locaiton" is probably out of the scope of Standard C.
Look up `fopen()` and friends.
2) Add the Status information to an existing image then separate the
image and status from the image using C.

Easy, once you have all the information you need about the JPEG format.
For that, you'll have to ask elsewhere.


'abt' means about... ok tell if u any one of you know abt the JPEG
handled by C plz (please) ans(answer) my qns(questions)


Ramesh said:
'abt' means about... ok tell if u any one of you know abt the JPEG
handled by C plz (please) ans(answer) my qns(questions)

It seems you actually *do* know the normal english words, but why are
you refusing to just use them ? All these abbreviations make you look
silly, and they make your messages hard to read. This is not going to
help you to get any helpful answers to your question. Not being a native
speaker of the english language is no excuse for this kind of writing.

Your next step into writing proper posts bight be to work on your
punctuation and captialization. Sentences start with a captial, and tend
to end with a period. Try it, even *you* can do it !

Richard Heathfield

Ramesh said:
'abt' means about... ok tell if u any one of you know abt the JPEG
handled by C plz (please) ans(answer) my qns(questions)

Prosze nie probowac dyktowac jezyk uzycie; mowic po angielsku!



Ico said:
It seems you actually *do* know the normal english words, but why are
you refusing to just use them ? All these abbreviations make you look
silly, and they make your messages hard to read. This is not going to
help you to get any helpful answers to your question. Not being a native
speaker of the english language is no excuse for this kind of writing.

Your next step into writing proper posts bight be to work on your
punctuation and captialization. Sentences start with a captial, and tend
to end with a period. Try it, even *you* can do it !

I think he's just a 6-year child that still talks "baby-talk" to his
mother... That explains all the strange noises coming from him...

I suggest everyone just ignore the child. I really hate those
"baby-sounds" such as "u" "y" "l8ter" "plz" and now also "abt" and "qns"
etc... It really pisses me off to find out if it's not a 6-year child
but perhaps a +10-year boy or man who by now should have learned not to
talk "baby-talk" anymore.

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Martin Jørgensen


Ramesh said:
'abt' means about... ok tell if u any one of you know abt the JPEG
handled by C plz (please) ans(answer) my qns(questions)

No, 'abt', 'u', 'plz', 'ans', 'qns' are incomprehensible foolish
abbreviations designed to impede communications and to make the
author look like an uneducated love-sick youth with a terminal case
of acne. Messages containing such will usually receive the
attention they deserve, especially when contained in a contextless
article containing no queries whatsoever, placed via the impossible
broken google interface to usenet. See below.

"If you want to post a followup via, don't use
the broken "Reply" link at the bottom of the article. Click on
"show options" at the top of the article, then click on the
"Reply" at the bottom of the article headers." - Keith Thompson
More details at: <>
Also see <>

Parahat Melayev

To: CBFalconer
No, 'abt', 'u', 'plz', 'ans', 'qns' are incomprehensible foolish

I feel myself enlightened now realizing that 'qsort()' and 'stdio' are
incomprehensible foolish
abbreviations with your philosophical help

Thank you very much.

Richard Heathfield

Parahat Melayev said:
To: Martin Jørgensen

I think your reaction is hurting. And hurting will not direct everyone
to change his/her way. Calling someone "fat" or "silly" won't make
him/her "skinny" or "smart".

I suggest everyone just to study some basics of dialogue (you can start
it here:


If the OP wants help, it makes sense for him to ask for it in a way that
will engender sympathy and willingness to help, on the part of those having
the skill and experience to help him. This certainly includes writing his
message in such a way that it is quick and easy for people to read. Every
encoding has to be decoded, and this slows the reading process.

C has quite enough encoding already, as you pointed out elsethread, without
our having to deal with yet more, simply because the OP can't be bothered
to write clearly.

If he doesn't want help, then let him babble as he will, if it makes him

Simon Biber

Richard said:
Ramesh said:

Prosze nie probowac dyktowac jezyk uzycie; mowic po angielsku!


It would have been helpful if you preserved the accents in your Polish:

"Proszę nie próbować dyktować język użycie; mówić po angielsku! Dziękuje."

I then would have been able to use
to receive the following translation:

"Please, to dictate language use not test (try); say in english! It thanks."

Simon Biber

Parahat said:
To: CBFalconer


I feel myself enlightened now realizing that 'qsort()' and 'stdio' are
incomprehensible foolish
abbreviations with your philosophical help

Thank you very much.

This may be the source of confusion of many newcomers to internet
discourse. They see abbreviations like 'qsort' and 'stdio' in the C
language, and also see abbreviations like 'plz' and 'u' in kiddy talk,
and think they come from the same tradition.

Computing is full of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations. They
generally are used for technical terms and jargon, or occasionally for
humourous effect. They are never used when writing basic English words
like "about", "you", "please", etc.

plz u ph33r teh l33t haxorz & ans there doubts!!! :)


Simon said:
This may be the source of confusion of many newcomers to internet
discourse. They see abbreviations like 'qsort' and 'stdio' in the C
language, and also see abbreviations like 'plz' and 'u' in kiddy talk,
and think they come from the same tradition.

Computing is full of acronyms, initialisms and abbreviations. They
generally are used for technical terms and jargon, or occasionally for
humourous effect. They are never used when writing basic English words
like "about", "you", "please", etc.

plz u ph33r teh l33t haxorz & ans there doubts!!! :)

C code, is one code, and warez hacker dudespeak, is another.

C code is the only code that should be posted here.

Richard Heathfield

Simon Biber said:
It would have been helpful if you preserved the accents in your Polish:

But that would have meant embedding non-ASCII characters in the article,
which I always try to avoid.

But now you know that /either/ your translator is appallingly bad, /or/ my
Polish is appallingly bad, or both. :)


Richard said:
Simon Biber said:

But that would have meant embedding non-ASCII characters in the article,
which I always try to avoid.

But now you know that /either/ your translator is appallingly bad, /or/ my
Polish is appallingly bad, or both. :)

There's nothing wrong with your english, so it must be your polish that
is really bad (according to the translator) :)

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Martin Jørgensen

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