Matt said:
All IMO:
Both are extremely capable and well-written.
I have never heard that Prototype is "well-written." Nor that it has
the most efficient code.
If you must have OO, go with Prototype. If you like CSS and
simplicity, go with jQuery.
In this sense, jQuery enables web developers. The same cannot be said
for Prototype. Prototype has a severe learning curve, whilst jQuery
merely builds upon what web designers already know.
Prototype's popularity is decreasing while jQuery's popularity is
Prototype is a library to help you write js code, jQuery is a whole
new strategy to do what you really want.
I actually feel that way about jQuery. It is an enabler, and not the
bad kind either.
It has the nicest, simplest syntax, especially when compared to Prototype.
I always think its funny, how Prototype has the "real world" page. The
only reason it got adopted first, is because it was first.
I choose jQuery, but choosing Prototype is not a "wrong" choice these
days (previously, it was).
There are several people in this group, who when they say something, I
pay careful attention to. You are one of them, but I must say in this
case, your opinion is flawed. (That is of course, my opinion.)
Or maybe I should ask, what has changed all of a sudden to make
Prototype a viable development library?