Phillip Gawlowski
Hello, list.
I'm looking for advice on GUI toolkits for cross-platform development /
deployment, especially in the context of JRuby[0].
Now, that having worked with JRuby yet, I'd like to know how your
experiences are with using JRuby in larger non-Rails projects,
especially when developing GUI applications.
What are your experiences in that regard? How does that influence
deployment across different operating systems (I'm mostly concerned
about Mac OS X deployment. The currently used GUI toolkit (GTK2) is,
from what I have gathered not trivially available on Macs, and I'd
prefer to distribute the application I'm working on[1] in one neat
package for everybody, especially Mac OS X end-users.
So, the long and short of it?
Have you developed Ruby applications using JRuby with Swing[2]? With
SWT[3]? Both?
What's your experience when using these toolkits?
How easy (or painful) is deployment to the Mac?
In an ideal world, we'd distribute RSRCG as an all-in-one installer,
with no external dependencies. How easy is that to achieve using Java?
[0] http://jruby.codehaus.org/
[1] http://rubyforge.org/projects/rsrcg/
[2] http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/swing/
[3] http://www.eclipse.org/swt/
I'm looking for advice on GUI toolkits for cross-platform development /
deployment, especially in the context of JRuby[0].
Now, that having worked with JRuby yet, I'd like to know how your
experiences are with using JRuby in larger non-Rails projects,
especially when developing GUI applications.
What are your experiences in that regard? How does that influence
deployment across different operating systems (I'm mostly concerned
about Mac OS X deployment. The currently used GUI toolkit (GTK2) is,
from what I have gathered not trivially available on Macs, and I'd
prefer to distribute the application I'm working on[1] in one neat
package for everybody, especially Mac OS X end-users.
So, the long and short of it?
Have you developed Ruby applications using JRuby with Swing[2]? With
SWT[3]? Both?
What's your experience when using these toolkits?
How easy (or painful) is deployment to the Mac?
In an ideal world, we'd distribute RSRCG as an all-in-one installer,
with no external dependencies. How easy is that to achieve using Java?
[0] http://jruby.codehaus.org/
[1] http://rubyforge.org/projects/rsrcg/
[2] http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/technotes/guides/swing/
[3] http://www.eclipse.org/swt/