jruby vs mri memory management

  • Thread starter Michal Suchanek
  • Start date

Michal Suchanek


I have tried to run my string munching application in JRuby, and I am
quite pleased with the results.

My string_arrays.each{|array| m=MunchedStrings.new; array.each{|str|
m.munch str}; puts m.pretty_print } cycle tops at about 790MB ram, and
the RSS even decreases when smaller arrays are processed. In contrast,
the MRI tops at about 2.5G at the end of the cycle, and I have
observed no decrease in RSS ever. Also notable is that after parsing
the data file JRuby uses about 250MB ram as opposed 600MB used by MRI.

These results were obtained with JRuby 1.1RC2 on OS X 10.4 with the
included Sun JVM 1.5 versus current Debian ruby MRI packages

I did not check for differences in the result yet, and I could not run
the jruby tests as the junit.jar is not included, at least not in the
place indicated by readme.

The JRuby 1.0 that is packaged for Debian does not work for me. It
does not understand -KU and spams lots of warnings about $; being

I know that it would be nice to provide the application for testing
but I cannot release the data.
I might to do a simplified version that runs on random data eventually.

Anyway, other people who have trouble with large memory usage might
try JRuby as well. It runs 1.8 code without modification (I
intentionally did not use any non-core extension to make the
application portable although it might have simplified the use of
utf-8 strings a bit).



Lionel Bouton

Michal said:

I have tried to run my string munching application in JRuby, and I am
quite pleased with the results.

My string_arrays.each{|array| m=MunchedStrings.new; array.each{|str|
m.munch str}; puts m.pretty_print } cycle tops at about 790MB ram, and
the RSS even decreases when smaller arrays are processed. In contrast,
the MRI tops at about 2.5G at the end of the cycle, and I have
observed no decrease in RSS ever. Also notable is that after parsing
the data file JRuby uses about 250MB ram as opposed 600MB used by MRI.

These results were obtained with JRuby 1.1RC2 on OS X 10.4 with the
included Sun JVM 1.5 versus current Debian ruby MRI packages

I did not check for differences in the result yet, and I could not run
the jruby tests as the junit.jar is not included, at least not in the
place indicated by readme.

The JRuby 1.0 that is packaged for Debian does not work for me. It
does not understand -KU and spams lots of warnings about $; being

I know that it would be nice to provide the application for testing
but I cannot release the data.
I might to do a simplified version that runs on random data eventually.

Anyway, other people who have trouble with large memory usage might
try JRuby as well. It runs 1.8 code without modification (I
intentionally did not use any non-core extension to make the
application portable although it might have simplified the use of
utf-8 strings a bit).

I've briefly tried Jruby 1.0 and 1.1RC2 with the latest Sun 1.6 JVM on
Linux 32bit when we benchmarked the Ruby Quiz #157 submissions, but I
was not impressed (I didn't check the memory usage though):

- both threw a NulllException in the Jruby code when running one of the
submissions (you can easily reproduce this by looking for the benchmark
posts in the archives, there was an URL for a page with all the relevant
code), you just had to launch the benchmark to get it. There was no way
of protecting from this as it was out of Ruby's scope (ie a begin rescue
couldn't catch it),
- 1.0 was slower than MRI (between 2x and 3x) and 1.1RC2 slightly faster
(5 to 10%), the code was mainly doing floating point computations.
- Launching the JVM is 10x slower than MRI (unusable for small scripts
designed to return quickly).

JRuby is still on my watch list (ruby-gettext is now pure Ruby so one of
my main obstacle to using it in production was recently removed) but I'm
not sure it is quite here yet (aborting the first program I try with it
with a NullException is not encouraging).

For the small scripts problem with the JVM loading, at some point I've
read that future JVMs would have the ability of acting as resident
interpreters (ie: a JVM is always running in the background and new
instances are simply feeding it the code instead of loading a whole new
JVM). I didn't found any documentation on that in the java man page of
my local Sun JDK install though :-(


Charles Oliver Nutter

Lionel said:
I've briefly tried Jruby 1.0 and 1.1RC2 with the latest Sun 1.6 JVM on
Linux 32bit when we benchmarked the Ruby Quiz #157 submissions, but I
was not impressed (I didn't check the memory usage though):

- both threw a NulllException in the Jruby code when running one of the
submissions (you can easily reproduce this by looking for the benchmark
posts in the archives, there was an URL for a page with all the relevant
code), you just had to launch the benchmark to get it. There was no way
of protecting from this as it was out of Ruby's scope (ie a begin rescue
couldn't catch it),
- 1.0 was slower than MRI (between 2x and 3x) and 1.1RC2 slightly faster
(5 to 10%), the code was mainly doing floating point computations.
- Launching the JVM is 10x slower than MRI (unusable for small scripts
designed to return quickly).

There have been more perf improvements since RC2, but we should be more
than 5-10% faster for normal computation. IO and such tend to drag us
down a bit though, since there's necessarily more layers to go through.
JRuby is still on my watch list (ruby-gettext is now pure Ruby so one of
my main obstacle to using it in production was recently removed) but I'm
not sure it is quite here yet (aborting the first program I try with it
with a NullException is not encouraging).

That's very unusual...most scripts run perfectly. If there's an NPE, it
will be fixed by the end of today.
For the small scripts problem with the JVM loading, at some point I've
read that future JVMs would have the ability of acting as resident
interpreters (ie: a JVM is always running in the background and new
instances are simply feeding it the code instead of loading a whole new
JVM). I didn't found any documentation on that in the java man page of
my local Sun JDK install though :-(

JRuby supports running with Nailgun, a memory-resident background JVM.
You need the source release to set it up, since it builds a small client
app written in C. Unpack, "ant jruby-nailgun", and then you can use
jruby-ng-server and jruby-ng to run scripts. There are a few caveats
listed here, but it works pretty nice for quick hits:


- Charlie

Charles Oliver Nutter

Lionel said:
JRuby is still on my watch list (ruby-gettext is now pure Ruby so one of
my main obstacle to using it in production was recently removed) but I'm
not sure it is quite here yet (aborting the first program I try with it
with a NullException is not encouraging).

I did not get any NPE on JRuby trunk. It's possible something was fixed
since then that was causing it. If you can reproduce it, please send it
to me and it will be fixed very quickly.

My numbers were not as fast as I would have expected, so some of these
benchmarks are hitting slower areas in JRuby. They will also be fixed:

~/NetBeansProjects/jruby/157 $ jruby -J-server 157_benchmark.rb
user system total real
FRANK 10.661000 0.000000 10.661000 ( 10.661000)
JUSTIN 4.761000 0.000000 4.761000 ( 4.761000)
LIONEL 2.025000 0.000000 2.025000 ( 2.025000)
DOUG 3.065000 0.000000 3.065000 ( 3.065000)
PHILIPP 1.910000 0.000000 1.910000 ( 1.910000)
BILL 0.328000 0.000000 0.328000 ( 0.328000)
~/NetBeansProjects/jruby/157 $ ruby 157_benchmark.rb
user system total real
FRANK 19.320000 0.120000 19.440000 ( 20.015972)
JUSTIN 5.170000 0.010000 5.180000 ( 5.225455)
LIONEL 0.420000 0.000000 0.420000 ( 0.417798)
DOUG 3.280000 0.030000 3.310000 ( 3.571585)
PHILIPP 1.650000 0.010000 1.660000 ( 1.688573)
BILL 0.240000 0.000000 0.240000 ( 0.250238)

- Charlie

Charles Oliver Nutter

Lionel said:
- 1.0 was slower than MRI (between 2x and 3x) and 1.1RC2 slightly faster
(5 to 10%), the code was mainly doing floating point computations.

I did some investigation on the benchmarks.

- I skipped FRANK because it was already easily 2x as fast as MRI

- All the remaining cases showed up as being slower or only slightly
faster than MRI, which is very unusual. So I ran a sampling profile and
that pointed me toward Struct being slower than it should be. Struct
hasn't been updated with many recent optimizations in the rest of the
system, and I'm sure it can be made a lot faster.

I filed a bug: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-2220

It will be fixed for 1.1, and I'll post some new numbers when I've fixed it.

- Charlie

Thomas Wieczorek

On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 4:47 PM, Charles Oliver Nutter
It will be fixed for 1.1, and I'll post some new numbers when I've fixed it.

Great to hear that you keep your ears and eyes on the community :)

Lionel Bouton

Charles said:
I did some investigation on the benchmarks.

- I skipped FRANK because it was already easily 2x as fast as MRI

If you happen to get a similar problem, for the reference DOUG makes
1.1RC2 crash here.

I couldn't find any download for jruby trunk (nightly builds would
be even nicer than the RCs). I've not much time so I'll just assume
that this was fixed and not a corner case hit in my environment.
- All the remaining cases showed up as being slower or only slightly
faster than MRI, which is very unusual. So I ran a sampling profile and
that pointed me toward Struct being slower than it should be. Struct
hasn't been updated with many recent optimizations in the rest of the
system, and I'm sure it can be made a lot faster.

I filed a bug: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-2220

Sorry I didn't have time to submit this on the spot and forgot about it
later. Glad I could submit this before the final 1.1 and to see that you
react so quickly.

By the way, I looked at Nailgun and it would indeed be a good fit for my
requirements. Thanks for the pointer.

I've seen a recent video of Matz presenting Ruby 1.9 to the Google
people (
). He spoke of
alternative Ruby VMs and mentionned that JRuby worked great and now had
even better performance than MRI in the general case.
I think he made one of the best compliments one could expect from him
when telling "I've mixed feelings about this" :)


Charles Oliver Nutter

Charles said:
- All the remaining cases showed up as being slower or only slightly
faster than MRI, which is very unusual. So I ran a sampling profile and
that pointed me toward Struct being slower than it should be. Struct
hasn't been updated with many recent optimizations in the rest of the
system, and I'm sure it can be made a lot faster.

I filed a bug: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-2220

I haven't completely cleaned it up, but I removed a lot of unnecessary
overhead from struct member access. I haven't done anything for the rest
of struct yet.

Here's numbers comparing before and after in JRuby:


With these numbers, JUSTIN and PHILIPP are looking a lot better, both
convincingly faster than MRI. LIONEL still needs work, so there may be
some other bottlenecks involved.

I'm certain they should all run faster in JRuby, at any rate. They will.

Incidentally, if anyone wants to add/improve my little Struct benchmark,
I'd appreciate it. There's precious few standard benchmarks available in
the Ruby world. It's bench_struct here:


And feel free to improve or add to any of the others as well.

- Charlie

Charles Oliver Nutter

Lionel said:
If you happen to get a similar problem, for the reference DOUG makes
1.1RC2 crash here.

I'll give it a try, thanks for the tip.
I couldn't find any download for jruby trunk (nightly builds would
be even nicer than the RCs). I've not much time so I'll just assume
that this was fixed and not a corner case hit in my environment.

Unfortunately our nightly build system is a little on-again, off-again.
The easiest way would be to just check it out and build it. Provided you
have Java and Ant, it's trivial:

svn co http://svn.codehaus.org/jruby/trunk/jruby
cd jruby
export PATH=`pwd`/bin:$PATH # optional, you can just bin/jruby too

That's really all there is to it. And if you're benchmarking, I strongly
recommend Sun's Java 6 and -J-server flag to JRuby for best results.
Sorry I didn't have time to submit this on the spot and forgot about it
later. Glad I could submit this before the final 1.1 and to see that you
react so quickly.

We're really pushing performance in 1.1, so this is timed well. It would
have been nice to have it filed as a bug, but at least I saw it here.
By the way, I looked at Nailgun and it would indeed be a good fit for my
requirements. Thanks for the pointer.

Yeah, I'd love for someone to help the Nailgun guy update it and fix a
few bugs I filed. Specifically, having signals propagate across would
make it a lot more usable, since C-c on the client would do an
equivalent action on the server. But signals are a bloody hard thing to
map to multiple VMs either way.
I've seen a recent video of Matz presenting Ruby 1.9 to the Google
people (
). He spoke of
alternative Ruby VMs and mentionned that JRuby worked great and now had
even better performance than MRI in the general case.
I think he made one of the best compliments one could expect from him
when telling "I've mixed feelings about this" :)

Yes, I thought that was pretty funny too :) We had dinner with Matz the
night before, so I think he's taking it all in stride. And we still have
some work to do before we can say we're faster than 1.9 in all cases
(though we're already faster in several).

- Charlie

Charles Oliver Nutter

Charles said:
I'll give it a try, thanks for the tip.

Confirmed and fixed already. It was a bit of code allowing Java nulls to
get into an array, which should never happen. So it works fine on trunk
and will work fine in 1.1 final.

- Charlie

Michal Suchanek

For the small scripts problem with the JVM loading, at some point I've
read that future JVMs would have the ability of acting as resident
interpreters (ie: a JVM is always running in the background and new
instances are simply feeding it the code instead of loading a whole new
JVM). I didn't found any documentation on that in the java man page of
my local Sun JDK install though :-(

Technically Java can do that for ages already. It has a proper VM that
you can reset. So all you need is a small application that loads a
class, executes it, resets the VM, etc. The only obstacle is you would
have to write it ;-)

Actually it's the only major defect I see in ruby MRI - it is not a
proper VM that can be reset, equipped with various GCs, and whatnot.
JRuby is a very nice bridge that allows exploiting the years of
development that went into JVM without tying your application to it.

BTW I do not find the small script performance that bad. Implementing
something like the shell [ in jruby might have noticeable impact on
shell scripts but running a short script for testing seem fine. That
might be the OS X prelinking, though.



Lionel Bouton

Michal said:
BTW I do not find the small script performance that bad. Implementing
something like the shell [ in jruby might have noticeable impact on
shell scripts but running a short script for testing seem fine. That
might be the OS X prelinking, though.

For example I use a ruby script as an output filter for incoming mails
(ie: it takes a mail coming on an adress, uses ActionMailer to parse it
and then process it)... There can be one such mail coming each second
during peak hours. With MRI it works fast enough, with JRuby I'll have
to use a daemon either by tranforming the script into a SMTP server or
by using Nailgun.


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