I propose to collect all known differences between JScript vs.
JavaScript engines. I am using neutral word "difference" because the I
don't want to transform it into yet another discussion about the
eternal of "one who's name should not be spelled" etc. Simply: they do
like that, X does like that, be warned.
It also only and exclusively about pure Javascript engine, so even
window.alert, confirm, prompt are out for now. Only the engine, Global
and down.
My initial contribution:
Two "God's Bugs", because subjects of special hate and obsession of
Brendan Eich himself:
GB1) Named FunctionExpression treatment
GB2) Terminal elision treatment. That one I remind is that
var arr = [0,1,]
// al. == 2
// IE == 3
1) Pending comma in object initializer.
var foo = {
// al. OK
// IE gives syntax error
Maybe a distant relative of GB2 above. Can be very nasty without a
possibility of parallel testing on IE as occasional typo will not be
noticed, so be warned.
Anyone else? ;-)
JavaScript engines. I am using neutral word "difference" because the I
don't want to transform it into yet another discussion about the
eternal of "one who's name should not be spelled" etc. Simply: they do
like that, X does like that, be warned.
It also only and exclusively about pure Javascript engine, so even
window.alert, confirm, prompt are out for now. Only the engine, Global
and down.
My initial contribution:
Two "God's Bugs", because subjects of special hate and obsession of
Brendan Eich himself:
GB1) Named FunctionExpression treatment
GB2) Terminal elision treatment. That one I remind is that
var arr = [0,1,]
// al. == 2
// IE == 3
1) Pending comma in object initializer.
var foo = {
// al. OK
// IE gives syntax error
Maybe a distant relative of GB2 above. Can be very nasty without a
possibility of parallel testing on IE as occasional typo will not be
noticed, so be warned.
Anyone else? ;-)