Has anyone ever seen this error when trying to install JSTL 1.0. I'm
using broadvision as my application server and installed the
standard.jar and jstl.jar and using the servlet.jar for jsp 1.2.
"Unable to open the tag library descriptor: java.sun.com"
I downloaded tomcat 4.* and it worked fine. I'm wondering if its
because I don't have the proper xml jars.
Any ideas?
Has anyone ever seen this error when trying to install JSTL 1.0. I'm
using broadvision as my application server and installed the
standard.jar and jstl.jar and using the servlet.jar for jsp 1.2.
"Unable to open the tag library descriptor: java.sun.com"
I downloaded tomcat 4.* and it worked fine. I'm wondering if its
because I don't have the proper xml jars.
Any ideas?