I am trying to run a junit task via ant, and this is what the build
file snippet looks like.
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
<pathelement path="${project.classpath}"/>
<formatter type="plain"/>
<batchtest fork="no" todir="c:/test/junit/project">
<fileset dir="c:/test/project">
<include name="**/*Test.*"/>
<include name="**/*TestSuite.class"/>
where the project.classpath has been set via the 'property' task in
Within my code in the project, is a jar file, that reads a
my.properties file. This my.properties file is in the project/config
folder of the project.classpath property, but for some reason this
property file is not being picked up. As a result, the junit test
fails, since it cannot find the properties file necessary for its
execution. I also have the config/ folder added to the jar file that
reads the property file.
Is there anyway I can get the properties file to be loaded.
file snippet looks like.
<junit printsummary="yes" haltonfailure="yes">
<pathelement path="${project.classpath}"/>
<formatter type="plain"/>
<batchtest fork="no" todir="c:/test/junit/project">
<fileset dir="c:/test/project">
<include name="**/*Test.*"/>
<include name="**/*TestSuite.class"/>
where the project.classpath has been set via the 'property' task in
Within my code in the project, is a jar file, that reads a
my.properties file. This my.properties file is in the project/config
folder of the project.classpath property, but for some reason this
property file is not being picked up. As a result, the junit test
fails, since it cannot find the properties file necessary for its
execution. I also have the config/ folder added to the jar file that
reads the property file.
Is there anyway I can get the properties file to be loaded.