Horny Porno-thologist
Dear everyone,
I managed to get most of my code (nesting documents etc.) worked out,
but there are a few niggles.
The first one is as follows:
My first document is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
What I want to do is to insert my second XML file between the tags so that
it reads:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
(XML data in here...snipped for brevity)
(By the way, I do need the second root in the nested document!)
I've come up with some code that comes up with the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
(data in here...snipped for brevity) // TAGS AND ROOT MISSING !!!
Which is nearly what I need when I use the following code:
ATO_document = builder.parse( "D:\\ATO.xml" );
XML_document = builder.parse( "D:\\XML.xml" );
NodeList replacedNodeList = XML_document.getElementsByTagName("ATO_RawXML");
Node foundnode = replacedNodeList.item(0);
if ( foundnode != null )
Node modfiedReplacedDocument = replaceNode(XML_document, ATO_document,
// error message here.
and replaceNode is defined as follows:
public static Node replaceNode(Document replacedDocument, Document
replacingDocument, Node replacedNode)
//Create a documentFragment of the replacingDocument
DocumentFragment docFrag = replacingDocument.createDocumentFragment();
Element rootElement = replacingDocument.getDocumentElement();
//Import docFrag under the ownership of replacedDocument
Node replacingNode =
((replacedDocument).importNode(docFrag, true));
//In order to replace the node need to retrieve replacedNode's parent
Node replaceNodeParent = replacedNode.getParentNode();
replaceNodeParent.replaceChild(replacingNode, replacedNode);
return replacedDocument;
I've tried using insertBefore functions in the replaced document to
artificially recreate the <ATO_RawXML> tags, but the code
grumbles that the parent element is missing. I'm sure a solution is very
but I am losing my hair over this. Can anyone suggest anything (other than
a lotion to keep my hair in) ?
Best wishes
I managed to get most of my code (nesting documents etc.) worked out,
but there are a few niggles.
The first one is as follows:
My first document is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
What I want to do is to insert my second XML file between the tags so that
it reads:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
(XML data in here...snipped for brevity)
(By the way, I do need the second root in the nested document!)
I've come up with some code that comes up with the following XML:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
(data in here...snipped for brevity) // TAGS AND ROOT MISSING !!!
Which is nearly what I need when I use the following code:
ATO_document = builder.parse( "D:\\ATO.xml" );
XML_document = builder.parse( "D:\\XML.xml" );
NodeList replacedNodeList = XML_document.getElementsByTagName("ATO_RawXML");
Node foundnode = replacedNodeList.item(0);
if ( foundnode != null )
Node modfiedReplacedDocument = replaceNode(XML_document, ATO_document,
// error message here.
and replaceNode is defined as follows:
public static Node replaceNode(Document replacedDocument, Document
replacingDocument, Node replacedNode)
//Create a documentFragment of the replacingDocument
DocumentFragment docFrag = replacingDocument.createDocumentFragment();
Element rootElement = replacingDocument.getDocumentElement();
//Import docFrag under the ownership of replacedDocument
Node replacingNode =
((replacedDocument).importNode(docFrag, true));
//In order to replace the node need to retrieve replacedNode's parent
Node replaceNodeParent = replacedNode.getParentNode();
replaceNodeParent.replaceChild(replacingNode, replacedNode);
return replacedDocument;
I've tried using insertBefore functions in the replaced document to
artificially recreate the <ATO_RawXML> tags, but the code
grumbles that the parent element is missing. I'm sure a solution is very
but I am losing my hair over this. Can anyone suggest anything (other than
a lotion to keep my hair in) ?
Best wishes