Ralph Shnelvar
[Note: parts of this message were removed to make it a legal post.]
I have
@child_thread = Thread.new do
# puts "#{__FILE__} @ #{__LINE__} #{Time.now}"
stdout = `#{the_command}`
@child_thread_return_status = $?
and later
This apearrs to kill the thread but not the command surrounded by the back tick.
How do I kill the comand that is the backticked executable?
I have
@child_thread = Thread.new do
# puts "#{__FILE__} @ #{__LINE__} #{Time.now}"
stdout = `#{the_command}`
@child_thread_return_status = $?
and later
This apearrs to kill the thread but not the command surrounded by the back tick.
How do I kill the comand that is the backticked executable?