This is very neat. Thank you. Sounds like magic to me. Can you please
explain how does that work? Many thanks again.
Don't use this except for small lists, it is very inefficient and will be
slow for large lists. It is a Shlemiel The Painter algorithm:
The most idiomatic solution is a simple, straightforward nested iteration:
for sublist in a:
for item in sublist:
Say that there are 10 sublists with 10 items each. Then nested iteration
will iterate 100 times in total. The solution with reduce will iterate:
10+10 # add the first sublist and the second sublist
20+10 # add the third sublist
30+10 # add the fourth sublist
40+10 # and so on...
90+10 # add the last sublist
100 # and now iterate over the combined list
or 640 times in total. If there are 100 sublists of 10 items each, the
performance is even worse: 51,490 for the reduce solution, versus 1000
for the nested iteration.
Admittedly those iterations will be in fast C code instead of slow Python
code, which is why you might not notice the difference at first, but
you're still doing a lot of unnecessary work which takes time. How much
time? Python makes it easy to find out.
from timeit import Timer
setup = "data = [range(10) for i in range(10)]"
t1 = Timer("""for sublist in data:
.... for item in sublist:
.... pass""", setup)1.7509880065917969
So for ten sublists of ten items each, the solution using reduce is
nearly twice as slow as the nested iteration. If we make the number of
lists ten times larger, the nested for-loop solution takes ten times
longer, as you would expect:
setup = "data = [range(10) for i in range(100)]"
t1 = Timer("""for sublist in data:
.... for item in sublist:
.... pass""", setup)10.349304914474487
But the reduce solution slows down by a factor of thirty-two rather than
If we were to increase the number of sublists further, the reduce
solution will perform even more badly.