Hi rjack,
How are you doing on this issue and does the information in my last reply
helps a littile? If there're anything else we can help, please feel free to
post here.
Steven Cheng
Microsoft Online Support
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| From: (e-mail address removed) (Steven Cheng[MSFT])
| Organization: Microsoft
| Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2005 05:43:51 GMT
| Subject: RE: Language in Page directive in VS 2005
| X-Tomcat-NG: microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.aspnet
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| Hi rjack,
| Welcome to ASPNET newsgroup.
| As for the programming Lanugage for ASP.NET 2.0 page,'s aspx file and
| codebehind file, here are some of my understanding:
| Yes, as you've found for the current asp.net 2.0 page model, we are
| to use the same programming language for aspx page and codebehind class.
| This is because in asp.net 2.0, we 're using the partial class for
| page. The .aspx file and codebehind File are of the same class, so that
| they're compiled into the same class at dynamic compilation. So the class
| declaration in codebehind file is
| public partial class mdpage : System.Web.UI.Page
| btw, in asp.net 1.x ,the code behind class and aspx page is compiled into
| different class, they're parent/child class relation (aspx generated
| derived from the codebehind class). that's why they can use different
| language to program while it is not allowed in the 2.0 model.
| In fact, the 2.0's partial class model has bring much more good features
| than the old one, for example, we don't need to explicitly declare member
| field for control instances in codebeind file....
| Here are the msdn reference which demonstrate the page compilation model
| change from beta1 to beta2:
| #Changes for Beta 2
| You can also find some other article on asp.net 2.0 's beta feature
| change/postpone or beta2 to RTM changes.
| Hope helps. Thanks,
| Steven Cheng
| Microsoft Online Support
| Get Secure!
| (This posting is provided "AS IS", with no warranties, and confers no
| rights.)
| --------------------
| | From: (e-mail address removed)
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| | Subject: Language in Page directive in VS 2005
| | Date: 29 Sep 2005 13:07:26 -0700
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| |
| | I'm using VS 2005 Beta 2.
| |
| | In VS 2003, the Page directive in an aspx page has Language and
| | CodeBehind attributes. You can have the language be different than the
| | code behind file language. For instance, you can have
| |
| | Language="vb"
| | CodeBehind="classA.cs"
| |
| | In VS 2005, the CodeBehind attribute seems to have been replaced with
| | the CodeFile attribute, although this is not documented in the beta
| | documentation. Therefore, it becomes
| |
| | Language="vb"
| | CodeFile="classA.cs"
| |
| | This causes a compile error:
| |
| | "The language of the code file is inconsistent with the language of the
| | page."
| |
| | According to the documentation for both VS 2003 and VS 2005, the
| | Language directive is supposed to be the language embedded in the aspx
| | page. Therefore, I should be able to have a Language that is different
| | from the CodeFile page in VS 2005.
| |
| | Why do I get this error? Is there a way to have a language for the page
| | be different from the code file language?
| |
| |